The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” sections. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Biden’s Collaboration in the Murder of Laken Riley

“From ground zero here, let me tell you that the number of violent crimes, most notably sex assaults, has skyrocketed, and none of them are making it into any national database other than a few once arrests are made if ICE is involved. The blood of all these people is absolutely on Biden’s hands.” —Texas

“Laken Riley is just one of thousands of Americans who have had to undergo the mental and physical horror of being butchered by one of Biden’s border crossers. Think about lying helpless as you know what is going to happen to you and you can do nothing about it. Pretty grim picture, isn’t it? Biden is guilty as hell, and Laken Riley’s name should be shouted at every political stop he makes.” —Ohio

“Biden has yet to say the name ‘Laken Riley’ despite the fact he paraded out a bunch of fake news regarding declining crime rates and claimed responsibility for that. Let’s make sure he is held responsible for the murder of Laken Riley!” —California

Re: Democrat Democracy Is Not Democracy

“The difference between a democracy and a republic is the story. The greatest lie perpetrated is the unshakeable belief that we are a democracy. The Founders went out of their way to prevent a pure democracy, and the Democrats/Big Government Republicans have destroyed many of the safeguards. Democracy devolves into the majority (51%) deciding for the minority (49%). The analogy is two wolves and sheep deciding via democratic vote who is dinner. This is the antithesis of a republic, which venerates the inalienable rights of the individual.” —Colorado

Re: Biden Transfers More Student Loans to Taxpayers, Wants a ‘Thank You’

“How nice for entitled college grads with student loans to receive yet another entitlement. I’m closing in on retirement age after working for decades with a high school diploma. Anybody going to provide entitlements for me while I try to exist on Social Security — if it’s still around? I’ve lived on a budget all my life, but one big expense could wipe me out. However, knowing my hard-earned tax dollars are going to pay off someone else’s loan will make me smile all the way to the poorhouse.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Lady MacBiden Seethes and Schemes

“Jill Biden makes Marie Antoinette look like a piker when it comes to being power mad. Biden’s been a handy puppet for Obama’s third term, but the last few months have shown Jill’s plans for him to run for reelection to be plain cruelty. Her anger with his staffers for not keeping him from exhibiting his blatant dementia just illustrates her conviction that this is the Big Secret to be kept from the American people. Guess what, Jill? It’s no secret, and you should be charged with elder abuse.” —Pennsylvania

Re: Google’s Gemini AI and Anti-White Bias

“The reason advertisers use interracial couples or people of various colors effectively to sell their products is that, much to the chagrin of the neo-Marxist race baiters, we Americans (at least here in flyover country, where I live) have either achieved or come very close to achieving the colorblind society envisioned by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. when he said, ‘I have a dream of an America where our children will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.’ The average person (of whatever ethnicity) watching TV simply DOES NOT CARE about the race or ethnicity of the person selling deodorant, insurance, or cars (or scoring a touchdown or hitting a home run, for that matter).” —Arizona

“An Artificial Intelligence program is no better than the information provided for its learning routine. No matter how ‘advanced’ it may be, it is still subject to the old programmer’s adage, ‘Garbage in, garbage out.’ Gemini is an object lesson for us. AI is probably not safe to use as an arbiter of social mores if constructed by those who oppose the moral standards of natural law.” —Minnesota

Re: Over 500 New Sanctions for Navalny’s Death

“The sanctions are a joke. Russian oil is supposedly barred from the international market, but Russian oil tankers simply travel to the Adriatic Sea (near Greece) and transfer the oil to other tankers for transport to China or India. Many U.S.- and European-made electronic components, especially advanced microcontroller chips and sensors, are forbidden for export to Russia, but Russia readily obtains them through straw purchasers and uses them in drones and missiles targeted at Ukraine. Similar parts show up in munitions purchased by Russia from Iran and North Korea, two other nations supposedly under sanction. If Mr. Biden showed half the leadership on sanctions enforcement as President Trump did against Iran, Russia might be concerned.” —Minnesota

Re: The Ukraine War at Two Years

“The colonists in America fought an unwinnable war, too. Biden did not want Ukraine to win, as he has always been a step behind supplying the material for Ukraine to win. It is cheaper to help Ukraine now rather than later; think WWII. We can do two things: close the border, and stop Putin. The problem is that there is the isolationist wing in the Republican Party that conflates the evil of Biden with Ukraine because of his corrupt dealings with that country. They are two different subjects. We need to stop the welfare state from continuing and expanding; that will save us trillions.” —California

“Anyone remember when Germany took on pretty much the whole of Europe and succeeded for quite a while? Twice? Russia isn’t little. It occurs to me that taking over Ukraine might just be a start. Maybe, if Putin annexes Ukraine, he will decide he also needs Belarus. And then maybe Poland. Or Romania. Perhaps a couple of oil-rich Middle Eastern countries too. The time to stop military adventurism is right when it starts, and I don’t really think it would be wise to just give up Ukraine and then hope Putin is satisfied. Somehow, I doubt that would be the case. At least this way we aren’t spending both treasure AND lives. Not yet, anyway.” —Florida

Re: The Russia Interference Tale, Take 3

“Great article, Mr. Swartz. I was reading just a few weeks ago that Putin was hoping Hillary would win in 2016 and was happy with the Biden 2020 win. That settled it for anyone interested enough to pay attention. I’ve also read more than once over the last few years that Hunter was paid $3 million by the wife of former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. So there’s that. As with all news, one has to carefully pick and chose where they find their information. I trust The Patriot Post. Other sites often follow up after your stories, days or weeks later. The last one I would want if I were Putin would be Trump. He won’t screw around and stuff will start happening on day one. Putin knows his plans will be stopped.” —Oregon

Re: Tuesday: Below the Fold

“So the UK is giving ‘Mary Poppins’ a PG rating due to use of the word ‘hottentot’? I wonder how many kids today would even understand the word. I was born in 1970, and I didn’t understand the word when I watched the movie as a kid. I’m reasonably certain that I’ve lived my entire life never having heard the word used in conversation. As far as I’m concerned, it’s less a ‘derogatory’ word than an obsolete one. Nobody uses it anymore.” —California