The Patriot Post® · Why Christians Should Vote

By Roger Helle ·

For years I’ve heard two recurring themes from Christians. First, we should not get involved in politics, just preach the Gospel. The second theme is almost scary: “I don’t know anything about any of the candidates.” The only thing worse is watching “Johnny” interview people on the street for Jesse Waters! Is the average citizen really that ignorant, or does Johnny purposely zero in on the most bizarre passersby he can find? I hope it’s the latter!

Truth be told, we Christians have chosen not to be part of the political process. Some say the system is broken, corrupt, and a waste of time. That’s the attitude progressives hope you’ll take. That explains why millions of Christians have not voted in the past few election cycles.

Think about what has happened since the Obama administration and those eight years of political correctness. Compared to the hatred stirred up by the Left today, the PC then was almost civil. Now politics is scorched earth. No disagreement allowed — bow or burn. Give into the Rainbow Mafia or be destroyed.

With the Left, no smear is too extreme. If you believe our freedoms come from God, you’re a “Christian nationalist” … whatever that is. We’re constantly called “xenophobic,” “Islamophobic,” “transphobic,” and “fascist.” There’s no debate because leftists can’t dialogue, so they just smear and threaten us to be silent. We’re ostensibly the threat to democracy, not the ones telling us who we are and aren’t allowed to vote for or what we can and cannot say in public.

Biden has thrown gasoline on what Obama started. Men can be women and women can be men. Men can compete against our daughters in sports, humiliate and overpower them, but we need to applaud their courage. Our military has been emasculated and our future leaders at West Point, Annapolis, or the Air Force Academy are being drilled in critical race theory and other Marxist doctrines.

Judeo-Christian values are a threat to democracy as we know it because progressives are supposedly the good guys in our culture. Who knew after 200-plus years we’d been doing it all wrong? Keeping schools and churches open during COVID was “threatening democracy” while keeping bars, abortion clinics, and casinos open was “essential.” How did this happen is so short a time? Could it be that when Christians abandoned the cultural battlefield, leftists faced no real pushback and they charged forward?

This did not happen in a vacuum. It did not happen overnight, and it will not change overnight. It will be a battle spiritually. However, the political system of voting plays an important part in the battle plan. For Christians to not even show up to make our voices heard makes the radical Left even bolder each election cycle, which can be summed up by a popular adage: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” While there’s debate as to who actually said it, there’s no doubt to the veracity of the statement.

I pray daily for the next great move of God in our nation. I pray for our leaders — Republicans, Democrats, and even socialists. I pray for spiritual renewal in their lives and across our country. To surrender is not an option! Our children and grandchildren’s futures depend on us stepping up to battle this evil creeping across our nation.

Something to pray about!
Semper Fidelis