The Patriot Post® · WPATH Violates Medical Golden Rules

By Emmy Griffin ·

Medical practitioners used to have two golden rules: First, do no harm. Second, adhere to science-based best practices, not ideology-fueled agendas, to direct physicking. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is a perfect example of a violation of both of these principles.

On March 4, Michael Shellenberger, independent journalist and founder of Environmental Progress, released leaked internal message boards that he has dubbed “The WPATH Files.” WPATH has been elevated as the leading expert on so-called “transgender” care, particularly where it concerns children. For once, there are hundreds of pages of messages amongst doctors, nurses, psychologists, lawyers, social workers, sociologists, and more sharing their transparent findings from “caring” for their patients (read: victims).

WPATH once claimed that it had limited data on the long-term outcomes of the “gender affirmation” model of care, including gender mutilation surgeries on minors. Sadly, that isn’t true. It does have long-term data, just not data that favors its particular narrative.

Here are the main takeaways.

WPATH and those that hide under its umbrella of legitimacy know that it is treating children who cannot give informed consent.

Their brains are not fully developed. That crucial missing aspect is what allows them to even be capable of understanding long-term consequences. Since children cannot give informed consent, parents give consent on behalf of their children. However, these WPATH-associated doctors are also not fully informing parents of all the side effects. Inadequately informed isn’t informed and is, therefore, malpractice.

WPATH doctors and associates have admitted in the message boards that they are improvising and experimenting. They also know that the surgeries they are providing, specifically the ones that construct a fake sexual organ, cause harm. As political pundit Matt Walsh reported through his own perusal of The WPATH Files: "One surgeon, Christine N. McGinn, boasts that she’s performed more than a dozen ‘vaginoplasties’ on patients under the age of 18. In this context, that means removing a child’s penis, testicles, and scrotum, and replacing them with a non-functioning open wound. The surgeon writes: ‘I feel the best time for surgery in the U.S. is the summer before their last year of high school.’ She also says many other surgeons in this community agree with her.”

These “medical professionals” also discuss the horrific ramifications of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, all while WPATH is purporting that there are no lasting side effects. One of the children to whom these doctors gave testosterone has developed tumors on her liver, and they are not small. Other doctors have reported cancer and even death related to these “gender affirmation” treatments.

WPATH does not care about medical science or the health outcomes of the children under its care. It only cares about its gender ideology and the so-called freedom that “gender affirmation” without restrictions, guardrails, or evidence-based practices provides. It should be shut down and disregarded for the disgrace that it is.

The release of these files is an enormous vindication for those of us who have been following the science and the stories of these child victims over the past several years. We were right. There are monsters out there who want to destroy, mutilate, and sterilize children and use the façade of “expertise” to do it.