The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” sections. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Don’t Say ‘Illegal’

I’d like to see ALL of those who have and are going through the long, torturous ordeal of legal immigration get just a little bit of the attention everybody is giving illegal border crossers. My stepdaughter filed in November 2012 and is STILL waiting for her green card. Her eldest son was four years old; he’s 17, graduating with honors from high school ahead of his class, and has already been told he can’t follow his planned line of education because he’s not a citizen. His younger brother, though, can. He was born in the U.S. If Democrats, if EITHER party, really gave two shirts about immigration, they’d be taking care of legal immigrants who are struggling and stop frittering away our taxes dealing with those who don’t want to obey our laws. —California

Re: Joe Biden’s Top Secret Plan

It’s a shame for our nation that Joe Biden has produced no real accomplishments in his first term on whose success he could campaign. He must instead resort to schoolyard taunts intended to make Donald Trump respond impetuously and immaturely. If Trump could rise above such a temptation and sustain an air of presidential dignity, few voters would regard Biden’s cynical tactic with anything but the derision it deserves. But sadly, resisting the urge to be goaded into self-destructive behavior by responding in kind (or even worse) will require a level of maturity and seriousness that Trump has rarely displayed. And millions of badly needed voters will (again) turn away when the media front-pages whatever childish response he makes. —Georgia

Re: WPATH Violates Medical Golden Rules

“It should be shut down and disregarded for the disgrace that it is.” Much more: prosecute these monsters! Hard to imagine a worse crime; it should offend the most callous conscience. If a man raped a girl, he would be prosecuted, and no one would question that judgment. Yet here we have people mutilating children, and they are protected from prosecution! Outrage is not enough! The only thing with even less moral awareness is abortion. Defense of these sadistic activities cannot be tolerated. —Missouri

Re: A $7.3 Trillion Nightmare

I have to live within my means. That means income. My cost of living has gone up over 100% since Brandon took the throne, sorry, office, three years ago. My income, not coincidentally, has gone down, which leaves much to be desired. Point being, Brandon and Congress need to “live within their means” with their budget and fund their special interests from their own pockets. All those pork-barrel projects are really vote-buying if you think about it. MAGA MOGSA! (make America great again, make our government small again!) —Montana

Re: Colbert Gets Slammed for Slamming Laken Riley]((

Unfortunately, there will be no accountability for Stephen Colbert or the Late Show media pages. Anyone who associates the actions of a member of Congress defending a young woman murdered by an illegal alien as racism deserves no less. —Michigan

Re: Is There Momentum for a Third-Party Run?

The Republicans and Democrats do not want any third parties to gain ballot access. While they each claim that their party provides the only solution “to save our democracy,” it is more important to them that one of their party’s candidates win over any third party. Here in Ohio, the R’s and D’s, led by our current Republican Governor when he was state attorney general, ensured that third parties would be effectively denied ballot access. His argument in federal court basically was, “Too many parties or candidates on the ballot is confusing to the general public.” Thus, to preserve our democracy, we need to restrict ballot access. —Ohio

Re: [Dishonoring Our Fallen]((

Thank you for saying the difficult things with such grace. Our culture has lost its perspective of heroism and, shamefully, broadly misapplies that word to those in many professions who have never earned that honor. I would like to believe that those receiving such honors, if they could speak for themselves, would reject such theatrics. God bless them for their service and bless their grieving families. —California

As a military family that has suffered great loss, I’m very attuned to these proceedings and was shocked that a young person who died in a car accident and another in a motorcycle accident are being heralded as “heroes” with receptions at airports that mimic KIA ceremonies. I do not blame the victims or their families, but the organization doing this should cease and desist. —Virginia

My father died in a non-combat crash while in the Air Force, and as a Vietnam Veteran myself, thank you for your honest assessment. We support your efforts to rectify this. —Texas

ALL honorable military service should be acknowledged, but a person who dies in an auto accident in Florida is not the same as a combat fatality on the field of battle. These deaths are both losses, but they are certainly not equal in terms of our debt of gratitude. —Wyoming

I serve on a VFW Honor Guard team. I’m also a Gold Star brother, KIA in Vietnam. It is unfortunate that this organization does not differentiate between honoring veterans’ service and honoring the sacrifice of those who paid the ultimate price — they cheapen that sacrifice. —Missouri