The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Useful Idiots

“Glory to all our martyrs.” —Columbia University’s Jew-hating protesters (“Martyrs”? Like the 9/11 terrorists who flew planes into buildings down the street from Columbia U?)

Dumb & Dumber

“No other president has spoken about anti-Semitism [more] than this president.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

“The protestors are gonna do what they got to do. For me, it needs to just remain nonviolent, make sure no person is harmed in the process. I’m concerned about the heavy-handed repressive response from Columbia’s president, New York City’s mayor, and from states across the country.” —Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY)

Credit Where It’s Due

“Smashing windows with hammers and taking over university buildings is not free speech. It is lawlessness and those who did it should promptly face the consequences.” —Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)


“This is not complicated: The University of Florida is not a daycare, and we do not treat protesters like children — they knew the rules, they broke the rules, and they’ll face the consequences.” —UF spokesman Steve Orlando

For the Record

“Aimless, privileged, value-free young people seek revolution. They always have. … Bored middle- to upper-class kids have been privileged by a system that has handed them everything but given no mission by their parents other than to ‘find themselves.’ Then they meet fellow revolutionaries — and revolutionary professors — who inform them that the system that has given them their privilege is corrupt and evil. They feel guilty, and the only way to alleviate that guilt is to join the revolution. To cosplay oppression.” —Ben Shapiro

“Anti-Semitism is a virus — and because the administration and woke university presidents aren’t stepping in, we’re seeing it spread.” —House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA)

“These ‘Little Gazas’ are disgusting cesspools of anti-Semitic hate full of pro-Hamas sympathizers, fanatics, and freaks. … The terrorist sympathizers in these Little Gazas aren’t ‘peacefully protesting’ Israel’s conduct of the war. They’re violently and illegally demanding death for Israel, just like their ideological twins, the ayatollahs in Iran.” —Senator Tim Cotton (R-AR)

“Today’s occupiers … are not anti-war protesters. If Hamas was winning the war with Israel, none of these students would be demonstrating for an end to the fighting. They would be cheering the deaths of Israeli Jews. Just as they would have cheered if Iran’s missiles had found their targets two weeks ago.” —Gary Bauer

“It should not go unnoticed that President Biden has the ability to stop all of this on a dime. All he’s got to do is call the college presidents and say, look, if you don’t get control of your campuses, I’m going to withhold your federal money. The president hasn’t done that.” —Senator John Kennedy (R-LA)

“When will the president himself, not his mouthpieces, condemn these hate-filled Little Gazas? … Joe Biden is putting more pressure on Israel these days than he is on Hamas itself. … Another four years for Joe Biden means another four years of Little Gazas all across America.” —Sen. Tom Cotton

Double Standards

“In his own voice, [Joe Biden] regularly calls MAGA supporters ‘haters,’ ‘semi-fascist,’ ‘a threat to the country,’ etc., etc. If black students or LGBTQ students were facing this much hatred and threats of genocide on dozens of college campuses across the country, Biden would be delivering televised addresses to the nation every day and calling out the National Guard.” —Gary Bauer

Déjà Vu

“Law and order was a key theme that drove the 1968 election, which resulted in Richard Nixon’s victory over Hubert Humphrey. Another key event that came to symbolize 1968 and Humphrey’s defeat was the utter chaos at the Democrat National Convention, which was held in Chicago. Well, guess where Democrats are holding their national convention this year? That’s right — Chicago.” —Gary Bauer


“Liberty without learning is always in peril, and learning without liberty is always in vain.” —President John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)

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