The Patriot Post® · Is Patriotism Cool Again?

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

We often hear today’s young men compared to those who stormed the beaches of Normandy. During World War II, men lied about their age because they were so eager to defend their country. Now, men pretend to be women to enter women’s sports and women’s spaces. Unfortunately, that is the current reality — but what if the young patriotic men of today don’t have to step on foreign soil to defend their country?

At this point, most are aware of the protests and encampments happening on college campuses. From California to Mississippi, students have been protesting the conflict between the Palestinians and Israelis. Some students are passionately defending so-called “Palestine.” Other students are tired of the anti-Semitic rhetoric on display from the protesters. Then somewhere in between are young Patriots like Guillermo Estrada who don’t fully understand the Israel-Palestinian conflict but are tired of the disrespect our country and its flag have endured for so long.

Estrada is one of the young Patriots pictured in the now-viral picture of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill fraternity brothers propping up the flag so as not to let it touch the ground as protesters threw water bottles at them while screaming in their faces. In a thread on X, Estrada wrote, “I cannot say I am fully educated on the Israel/Palestine conflict but it upset me that my country’s flag was disrespected to advocate for another.” This statement could represent the average American.

The average Joe is not educated about the conflict and, quite frankly, doesn’t have the motivation to become educated when our own country is going through rough times. The average Joe is concerned about making ends meet and protecting his children from the gender ideology that has infiltrated public schools. It’s difficult to care about conflicts between other countries when the people who enter our country illegally via the southern border are given more benefits than taxpaying Americans. Most haven’t recovered from the 2020 “Summer of Love,” during which our law enforcement was treated like the enemy and our great flag was stomped on and burned by BLM activists. This is why Estrada’s statement may resonate with many Americans today.

Estrada goes on to say: “My parents started a new life in the United States, a country that has helped them flourish and raise two kids. I grew up in a Military community and saw first-hand the sacrifices they make. I will not stand for the disrespect these ‘protestors’ cause for the sake of another country.” This statement speaks well to the experience of immigrants and their children.

Most immigrants who come to the United States to create a better life for themselves know the sacrifice it takes to leave their home country behind to start over. The children of immigrants see the sacrifices their parents make, which is why (if their parents raised them right) they have a deep sense of patriotism. They make it their duty to make their parents proud so their sacrifice is not in vain. Patriotism is what most of the Palestinian protesters don’t have.

As we’ve seen, most of the protesters in support of the Palestinians also align themselves with the values and shenanigans of the Left. We have also come to learn that college leftists typically come from wealthy upper-class families, and most haven’t experienced the real world. This is what differentiates the young Patriots holding up the flag from the Palestinian-supporting protesters.

We obviously don’t know the backgrounds of each young man holding up the flag, but we do have insight into Estrada’s background, which leads us to believe that the young men could share similarities. Most Southern college campuses share Estrada’s sentiment.

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves posted a video on X of students at Ole Miss singing the national anthem in response to the protesters at their campus. Not only is this great to see, but it should also give us hope for the future of our country.

These patriotic responses tell us that many young Americans are tired of the indoctrination they have been put through at the hands of our public education system and universities. Young men are tired of being portrayed as villains just for simply existing. These patriotic responses also tell us that the Left’s grip on Gen Z may not be as firm as we thought, which is why it is crucial that we engage this young generation.

We must remember that threats to our nation could be foreign or domestic, and right now, the threat is domestic. Our young men don’t need to storm the beaches of Normandy because they’ve stormed leftist-filled college campuses. It is safe to say that patriotism has been made cool again.