The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Non Compos Mentis

“I believe we should leave [abortion] to the woman. … Even if it’s full term.” —RFK Jr.

The BIG Lies

“[Trump] has never succeeded in creating jobs, and I’ve never failed. I’ve created over 15 million jobs.” —Joe Biden

“If you take a look at what the people have, they have the money to spend. … We’ve got to deal with [corporate greed].” —Joe Biden

Moving the Goalposts

“I’m not proposing that we’re going to be able to bring these prices down. That’s impossible.” —Senator Bob Casey (D-PA)

Braying Jenny

“We have two old candidates. One is, yes, old and effective. … The other is old and dangerous. I mean, why is that a hard choice for people?” —Hillary Clinton

Lack of Self-Awareness Award

“Propaganda is not education. … Anybody who is teaching in a university or anyone who is putting content on social media should be held responsible for what they include and what they exclude.” —Hillary Clinton (“Anyone who is producing a bogus dossier should be held responsible for what they include and what they exclude.” There, I fixed it.)

Spin Doctor

“It made sense to go get [Osama] bin Laden.” —Joe Biden, who told Barack Obama it didn’t make sense to go get bin Laden


“If [the Israelis] go into Rafah, I’m not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with Rafah.” —Joe Biden

“The House has no choice but to impeach Biden based on the Trump-Ukraine precedent of withholding foreign aid to help with reelection. Only with Biden, it’s true.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

“U.S. policy on the Israel-Hamas war is woefully ambiguous and internally inconsistent. President Joe Biden expresses full support for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s resolve to destroy Hamas but simultaneously objects to Israeli military actions necessary to get the job done. Biden endorses efforts to achieve a negotiated ceasefire to enable the return of hostages (any who may still be alive), but that noble objective effectively rewards Hamas’s actions in abducting them. How is that going to work out?” —Jack DeVine

Re: The Left

“Without a doubt, college professors are the most dangerous people in America. They’re not dangerous because they challenge the status quo or encourage their students to think critically. On the contrary, they are dangerous because they encourage impressionable young college students to adhere to the doctrines of the professors they choose without giving them the chance to meaningfully challenge those doctrines.” —Armstrong Williams

“Well-educated people are often the least intelligent. They are so confident in their ability to think critically that they have successfully convinced themselves that they can do no wrong. It is only when students have an honest professor who understands their fallibility that they can truly learn.” —Armstrong Williams

“It is a searing indictment of American higher education that our students and graduates are so ignorant of the death and destruction wrought by both communism and socialism that they can advocate for Marxism with a straight face.” —Laura Hollis

“What happens when all products and services are provided by one entity, or by the government? What happens when the government owns all the land? Controls every industry? Makes all agricultural and industrial decisions? When there is only one producer, and anything happens that they do not anticipate, the failure is systemic, catastrophic.” —Laura Hollis

“History tells us what leftists and deep state actors view as ‘disinformation.’ It’s frequently known by another word: truth.” —Nate Jackson

And Last…

“I’d like to say that I wouldn’t be surprised to find parasitic worms coursing through the brains of most Democrats. It would explain a lot.” —Stephen Kruiser

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