The Patriot Post® · Trump Was Impeached for What Biden Just Did ... Again

By Nate Jackson ·

President Trump withheld Congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine unless they granted him a political favor. It’s the definition of quid pro quo.

This is no joke — Trump continues to put his own personal, political interests ahead of the national interest. He must be impeached.“

That was Candidate Joe Biden in October 2019.

Replace "Trump” with “Biden” and “Ukraine” with “Israel,” and Joe Biden just incriminated himself, at least according to new Democrat standards for impeachment.

Two weeks after Congress approved and Biden signed a bill allocating $26 billion in aid for Israel, Biden announced that the U.S. would withhold weapons to protest Israel’s military action in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. “I made it clear that if they go into Rafah,” Biden said, “I’m not supplying the weapons.”

In other words, Biden wants to micromanage how Israel conducts its totally legitimate war against Hamas, and he wants to do so with a quid pro quo because he needs a political favor. Pro-Hamas hooligans in America are upset with Biden, and he needs to show them he’s reining in Israel so they’ll still vote for him in November.

Unlike notoriously corrupt Ukraine, however, Israel effectively told Biden where he could stick those weapons. “If we need to stand alone, we will stand alone,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “I have said that, if necessary, we will fight with our fingernails.”

In any case, the impeachment comparison is clear.

As former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy sarcastically writes, “I’m old enough to remember when House Democrats impeached and Senate Democrats voted unanimously (though unsuccessfully) to convict and remove a president for withholding congressionally approved, taxpayer-funded aid from an allied country — one that desperately needed the aid while fighting a defensive war against a barbaric enemy — in order to pressure that desperate ally to help the president get reelected.”

Republicans see the comparison, too. “The House has no choice but to impeach Biden,” said Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton, “based on the Trump-Ukraine precedent of withholding foreign aid to help with reelection. Only with Biden, it’s true.”

Florida Republican Representative Cory Mills is drawing up articles of impeachment against “President ‘Quid pro Joe’ Biden,” brilliantly using language straight from New York Democrat Jerrold Nadler’s articles against Trump in 2019.

Not only is Biden a hypocrite now, but he’s done this before — in Ukraine. It was way back when he was just Barack Obama’s sidekick in 2015 and his drug-addicted son Hunter was peddling influence for Burisma in Ukraine. A Ukrainian state prosecutor was investigating Burisma, which might have proved awfully inconvenient for the Bidens. So, three years later, the elder Biden boasted that he had told Ukrainian officials, “If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.” The money was a billion-dollar loan guarantee. “Well,” he said, “son of a b***h. He got fired.”

Another quid pro quo for political as well as personal reasons.

Biden isn’t the only one working quid pro quos. The United Nations, which has become notoriously anti-Israel in recent decades, is at it again. In April, the U.S. vetoed a Security Council resolution paving the way for full UN membership for “Palestine.” Today, the General Assembly passed a resolution elevating the Palestinian Authority from observer status to functional membership as if it’s a separate state. The “State of Palestine” shall have the “right to be seated among Member States,” the draft said, urging the Security Council to accept it.

So, what’s the quid pro quo? Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis, as well as kidnapped, raped, and mutilated hundreds of others, so, says the UN, here’s official recognition of a virtual two-state “solution.” Hamas doesn’t even have to release any hostages — including five Americans — if there are any still alive.

That’s rewarding terrorism with legitimacy. To say it’s reprehensible is woefully inadequate. Yet that is also effectively what Joe Biden and his hordes of protesting Marxists have done. Team Biden could invoke legal provisions that require the U.S. to cease UN funding (over $700 million this year) if the Palestinian Authority is recognized in this way. But we all know Biden’s not going to do that.

Back to the quid pro quo and impeachment. It was preposterous to impeach Trump for his call to his Ukrainian counterpart, and impeachment shouldn’t be on the table for Biden now. Presidents deserve the latitude to conduct foreign policy as they see fit, even if it’s outrageously wrong, as it is in this case. Yes, he’s betraying a key ally while sucking up to Islamofascist terrorists and grown-toddler protesters on American college campuses. Yet it should be up to voters to take his totally disgraceful behavior into account come November.

If Biden is to be impeached, it should be for gross dereliction at the southern border, but that’s another story.

In any case, the lesson here is clear. As is always the case with Democrats, if it weren’t for double standards, they wouldn’t have any.

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