The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Afghan Women Were Unavailable for Comment

“On my watch, when we make promises, we keep them. And we leave no one behind.” —Joe Biden

Yellow Journalism

“With Schools in Ruins, Education in Gaza Will Be Hobbled for Years.” —The New York Times (So Hamas terrorist indoctrination has been “hobbled”…)

Who, Other Than Politico, Was Surprised by This?

“Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by a surprising source: Biden’s biggest donors.” —Politico

A Trip Down Memory Lane

“The idea that we would cut off military aid to an ally [Israel] — our only true, true ally in the entire region — is absolutely preposterous. It’s just beyond my comprehension anyone would do that.” —Joe Biden in 2019

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

“What happened to the Joe Biden who exhibited moral clarity toward Israel? Did he shuffle off the stage in search of ice cream?” —Matthew Continetti

Vote Buying

“Even as President Joe Biden was delivering his perfunctory Holocaust Remembrance speech [last] week … the president was planning to stop the Jewish state from destroying modern-day Nazis. On Wednesday, Biden told CNN’s Erin Burnett that if Israel invades the city of Rafah in Gaza … the U.S. would stop supplying Israel with offensive and precision weapons. This is a historic moment, as it is surely the first time a president has sold out a stalwart U.S. ally to save a terrorist organization.” —David Harsanyi

“Israel is on the verge of eliminating a global terrorist threat. That terrorist threat is holding American citizens hostages and is a threat to the United States around the world. But, to secure his reelection, Joe Biden would force Israel to pull its punches, preserve Hamas and allow a terror threat to continue. This is unacceptable.” —Erick Erickson

“The Biden administration stood with Israel until late February of 2024, when too many Michigan primary voters voted ‘uncommitted’ in the Democrat primary. Biden began to shift after that, convinced he could lose in November if he did not have the votes of Jew hating Democrats in swing states like Michigan.” —Erick Erickson

For the Record

“Not even former President Barack Obama, who had been chummy with black supremacists and other antisemites for decades before reaching the White House, cut off aid to Israel. Democrats continue to lurch toward the hard left.” —David Harsanyi

“Like [Chuck] Schumer and many others in power, [Bernie] Sanders is Jewish when it suits his purposes, but first and foremost, he’s loyal to the Marxist wing of the Democrat Party that’s vehemently anti-Israel.” —Brian Mark Weber

“Israel is not waging war in places like Rafah for fun. Israel is fighting Hamas because Israel was attacked on October 7 and because the terrorist organization poses an existential threat.” —Matthew Continetti

“Hamas started this war. Every innocent life, every unnecessary death is on them. Plain and simple.” —Senator Tim Scott (R-SC)

“The Israelis have shown more caution and regard for civilian casualties than the U.S. did in 1941-45 or has done since, or as any other nation has ever done.” —Michael Barone

Village Academics

“Common sense tells us that people who are treated badly often behave badly in return, which is why people are favorably impressed by those who rise above adversity. Common sense teaches also that virtue and vice are intermixed in every human heart, that no category of people — not a political party, not an ethnic group, not a religious sect, not a nation — has or can have a monopoly of behaving badly or admirably. That’s not the lesson being taught, it appears, in many of the nation’s public and private schools.” —Michael Barone

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