The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Hochul, Black Kids, and Leftist Bigotry

“The Democrat Party! The party of Jim Crow and the KKK. The party that voted against the Equal Rights Amendment in 1964. It cannot hide from this no matter how hard it tries to change history to suit what it believes. It’s also the party of anti-Semitism, and we are seeing that right now!” —Indiana

Re: Viral Debate Exposes Women’s Toxic Beliefs

“There is also obvious irony in that most of the women who chose the bear are the same women who would argue tooth and nail for the right to abort the children sired by the random men with whom they’ve consented to have sex.” —Kentucky

Re: Shrouding Joe Biden’s Stumbles

“The ploy of crowd-concealing Biden’s unsteady gait reminds me of the films of FDR’s inaugurations, which show aides and family members crowding around him to make it look as if he could walk, even though paralysis prevented it. If Biden’s goal has been to emulate FDR, this subterfuge clinches it.” —Indiana

Re: The Golden State’s Minimum Wage Job Killer

“Raising the minimum wage, even if it appears to be stupid in economic terms, is always a win-win for the Left. Those who get to keep their jobs thank the Left (vote for Democrats) for the higher wage they’re now receiving. And those who lose their jobs apply for unemployment compensation and then may move on to welfare programs — which are championed continually by Democrats as they vote for higher and higher benefits.” —Missouri

Re: Stormy Daniels Is All They Have

“You are 100% correct about Judge Merchan being a clown. The fact that he chose to be part of this farce of a trial shows his lack of character. And where does he get any authority to gag Trump, undeniably unconstitutional, while allowing his opposition unfettered commentary? He is an embarrassment to the judicial system.” —Illinois

Re: Trump Was Impeached for What Biden Just Did … Again

“Joe Biden is not capable of making good decisions regarding U.S. relations with any allied nation, particularly Israel, and timely impeachment would appear most appropriate. Because this is not possible with the current Congress, the best solution for Biden’s maladroit presidency is to expose the entity that placed him in office and has been directing his destructive executive actions from day one. Until this occurs, our nation and our allies will suffer the consequences of those who seek to fundamentally transform and destroy the U.S. and the free world as we know it. Until our internal enemies are identified and censored, talk of impeachment is only ‘jousting with windmills’ while our external enemies patiently wait and gloat.” —Florida

“The question facing House members on this bill of impeachment is perhaps not so cut and dried. Does Mr. Biden’s withholding of aid to Israel absent compliance with demands for certain rules of engagement constitute attempted extortion? Does 18 USC §872, which prohibits extortion by officers or employees of the United States ‘under color of office,’ apply to the president or vice president?” —Minnesota

Re: Jewish Sanders Blocks Anti-Semitism Resolution

“How about a congressional resolution condemning anti-Americanism? Chuck Schumer showed his true colors about his view of Americanism when he refused to let the Mayorkas impeachment come to the Senate floor for a vote. In other words, it’s just fine with the Senate majority leader that cartels are blatantly trafficking children; illegals are assaulting, murdering, and raping our women; and on and on. Is not America as valuable as Israel? Obviously not to Schumer.” —Ohio

Re: Biden’s Big Freudian Slip

“Biden thought he corrected his faux pas by calling the illegal immigrants in question citizens. THAT is the real Freudian slip.” —California