The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Non Compos Mentis

“We’ll never forget [Trump’s] love letters for the South Korean president, Kim Jong Un.” —Joe Biden

A Trip Down Memory Lane

“The security of Israel and the United States is inextricably tied and we will never, ever, ever abandon Israel out of our own self-interest.” —Joe Biden in 2014

Belly Laugh of the Day

“No president has stood stronger with Israel than Joe Biden.” —National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan

Food for Thought

“Joe Biden removed sanctions on the Houthi terrorists. He removed sanctions on Qatar, which supports Hamas, and Lebanon, which supports Hezbollah. He removed sanctions on the terrorist Iranian regime. He removed sanctions against the Marxist Venezuelan regime. But he is now imposing sanctions on our democratic ally, Israel. Ponder that for a moment.” —Gary Bauer

President Weather Vane

“You can count on Joe Biden when the chips are up, but certainly not when they are down. You want to be in a foxhole with Biden only if you are certain that the members of ‘the squad,’ the left-wing faction in the House, approve of his being there. Joe Biden has your back — from a comfortable distance, just in case political circumstances change. The president is a weather vane for the left. That doesn’t mean that Biden himself is a committed progressive or in the ideological vanguard. He’s not. A weather vane doesn’t affect how fast the wind is blowing or in what direction; it just shifts in reaction to larger forces.” —Rich Lowry

Baghdad Bob

“I’m very confident that we’re going to have a convention that celebrates the unity, the diversity, the strength of the Democratic Party. … It’s Joe Biden who has coalesced the Democratic base.” —Biden campaign communications director Michael Tyler

The BIG Lies

“The work that this president has done to build an economy from day one that grows from the middle out and the bottom up — 15 million jobs, 800,000 manufacturing jobs … and doing all of that while doing the work of lowering costs for Americans.” —Michael Tyler

“It is President Biden’s top priority to do all he can to bring down the cost of living.” —Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

Non Sequitur

“I’m in favor of the Second Amendment. And I believe we need an assault weapons ban. We need universal background checks. We need red-flag laws.” —Kamala Harris

A Broken Clock Is Right Twice a Day

“Today, [illegals] are coming in, aided by cartels to whom they pay huge amounts of money. And they’re not running away from law enforcement. They’re running towards law enforcement because they have figured out that all they have to do is say the magic words, ‘I have a credible fear of persecution,’ and bingo, you’re in the country legally. You get two court hearings. They could take seven years. Meanwhile, you slip into the shadows of the economy. So the whole system is broken. And Biden needs to confront that.” —CNN’s Fareed Zakaria

“I doubt the New York indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump.” —Fareed Zakaria

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