The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Dumb & Dumber

“How do we have a large body of people [illegal immigrants] that are in our city, our country, that are excellent swimmers and at the same time we need lifeguards — and the only obstacle is that we won’t give them the right to work to become a lifeguard.” —New York City Mayor Eric Adams

“The deep state is packed with patriots.” —ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos

Race Bait

“I’m so tired of white men failing up.” —Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA)

Village Idiots

“I visited Columbia University. I went to the encampment. I met with students there so I could learn more about their perspective, their position on what’s happening there. I saw a library. I saw mental health supports. I saw students protesting peacefully.” —Congressman Jamaal Bowman (D-NY)

“I never see Hamas as a terror organization.” —Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

For the Record

“The brutal reality is that, despite having access to more information than ever before in human history, we don’t share the same reality. And when the words of a terrorist organization are deemed unquestionably trustworthy not only by Palestinian activists but journalists, human rights organizations and the pro-facts president of the United States, how can we hope for change?” —Ian Haworth

“Public engagement is not a university’s job. Taking an official position on issues of the day — whether it’s the Paris Climate Accord or Israel’s war on Hamas — incorrectly signals to students and faculty that there is only one right way to think.” —Betsy McCaughey

Political Futures

“In the past six months, Biden has traveled the country, touting what he believes are his economic accomplishments. He has spent zillions of dollars on advertising, focusing specifically on the key states. And at the same time, Trump was either preparing to go on trial or, since April 15, actually on trial in New York, facing a maximum of 136 years in prison. And Biden is still unable to catch Trump.” —Byron York

“If one had to define Biden’s political worldview, it would be simply this: Follow the Democratic herd, and desperately attempt to place yourself dead center in the middle of it. … Joe Biden has tried to be everything to everyone — and has ended up as no one to anyone. … It turns out that the presidency is a bad place for pinwheels.” —Ben Shapiro

“Joe Biden and Donald Trump agreeing to a debate feels like LIV Golf and the PGA tour agreeing to a merger. I won’t believe it’s true until all details are agreed to and Biden takes the stage. I have a hard time believing Biden’s people actually want him to do this.” —former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer


“Young people today start working and immediately have 6.2% of their paycheck deducted in payroll tax for Social Security, with their employer matching this with another 6.2% — all paid into a system that is bankrupt. … Individuals should be allowed to take ownership of the payroll tax they are forced to pay and use these funds to invest in their own personal retirement account.” —Star Parker

And Last…

“From claiming there was no border crisis to now repeatedly claiming he inherited 9% inflation Biden habitually lies to the country.” —Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL)

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