The Patriot Post® · DEI: The 'D' Stands for 'Destruction'

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) was sold as the solution to bring everyone together. We were told that diversity and inclusion would be our strength, increasing productivity in the workplace and teaching everyone to love each other. So far, DEI has had the opposite effect. DEI is divisive, destructive, and excludes anyone who doesn’t bow to the deity that it has become.

From erasing women from their own spaces to allowing men to believe they can purchase babies and breastfeed them, DEI has the ingredients that can and have caused harm to many.

In recent news, the governor of Massachusetts signed an executive order to make the construction industry more inclusive to women due to her belief that sexism plays a role in the industry being male-driven. While it is not wrong to include women in industries that are primarily male-driven, it is wrong to give a class of people preferential treatment.

Mentally ill men pretending to be women purchase babies via surrogacy in the name of DEI. A video of a newborn crying in distress with quivering lips as he’s handed to a transgender man has gone viral on social media. Later videos show the man being pushed in a hospital wheelchair as if he’s the one who gave birth to the baby he designed and purchased.

In the world of motherhood, mothers are stripped of the title and instead called “birthing persons.” And to appease the DEI cult, a man who can’t breastfeed now “chestfeeds.” World-renowned breastfeeding organization La Leche League has changed the language on its website to accommodate mentally ill men who believe they can breastfeed. According to Blaze Media, trustees on the La Leche League board were kicked off because they did not believe in the organization’s new goal of supporting male lactation.

In public schools across the country, gender-confused boys are joining and dominating female sports and gaining access to girls’ spaces. If the girls feel uncomfortable, their concerns are disregarded. Instead, they are offered counseling to let go of their “homophobic” feelings. Teachers and students are subject to dangerous environments because it is “inequitable” to place consequences on disruptive students, especially if they are part of a protected class.

Universities nationwide have openly discriminated against students of Asian or Caucasian descent in the name of DEI.

Our military has become the laughingstock of the world because our soldiers are taught to fall in line with gender ideology or face disciplinary action from their superiors. While our enemy’s military gets stronger, ours gets weaker.

DEI in our country has taken over meritocracy, and many are fed up. Among them are Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. On X, Musk writes that DEI must DIE. Fox News quotes Ramaswamy as saying: “I think the diversity equity inclusion agenda has been abused in the name of diversity. We have, at many of our universities, totally sacrificed diversity of thought.”

States like Texas, Florida, and Utah have acted against DEI in public education. Other states have either passed or favored legislation that removes DEI from higher education.

It is the hope that our country recovers from the disaster that DEI has brought upon us. A movement that was advertised as loving and inclusive has been nothing short of hateful and divisive.