The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Non Compos Mentis

“My administration’s taken the most significant action, notwithstanding the Supreme Court tried to stop me, to provide student debt relief. Most supreme ever.” —Joe Biden

“We raised 400 million billion dollars over the next 10 years.” —Joe Biden

Spin Doctor

“How Republicans Echo Antisemitic Tropes Despite Declaring Support for Israel.” —The New York Times

For the Record

“There are reports that Joe Biden is about to issue an executive order to close the southern border when illegal crossings are exceeding 4,000 a day. … 4,000 crossings a day is still 1,460,000 illegal aliens entering our country a year. So, Biden thinks we’re supposed to tolerate nearly 1.5 million illegal aliens crossing our border. That’s not a ‘closed border.’ More importantly, Biden has repeatedly said that he has no such power.” —Gary Bauer

Re: The Left

“Nobody assumed [Harrison] Butker was speaking on behalf of the NFL. He wasn’t wearing his Chiefs uniform, and he wasn’t speaking at an NFL event. So, why was the NFL so anxious to disavow his views? It’s very telling, and it shows how committed the left is. Once it captures an institution, like the NFL, that institution is made to hate the values of millions of Americans. … Remember Colin Kaepernick? He didn’t express his radical far-left views to just anti-American groups in his private time. He expressed his views on NFL playing fields in front of thousands of fans and millions of viewers at home. The NFL never denounced Kaepernick for his anti-Americanism.” —Gary Bauer

“It’s the Left that claims conservatives will ‘end democracy’ and crush freedom of speech, while they demonstrate their absolute intolerance of an opposing point of view. They can’t achieve true ‘progress’ until dissenters are heckled and banned.” —Tim Graham

Green New Despotism

“I don’t know about you, but I’m not sure I’d trust the president to drive my car much less dictate the future of industrial policy. Yet, Biden implemented draconian emissions limits for all vehicles, ensuring that within nine years, 67% of all new passenger cars and trucks will be electric. In the old days, a centralized state controlling manufacturing and commerce, production, prices, wages and conditions in our biggest sectors would be called ‘fascist.’ Today, we simply refer to it as the Green New Deal.” —David Harsanyi

“Why do we even assume winning the EV war is a good thing? If an EV future were inevitable, the state wouldn’t have to bribe and force companies to produce them.” —David Harsanyi

Political Futures

“When the history of the 2024 election is written, the fact that the debates (or debate) occurred may be more noteworthy than any effect they had on the race.” —Matthew Continetti

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