The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Harrison Butker Splits the Uprights

“What a beautiful affirmation of his faith, given to an audience of young men and women who no doubt have been yearning to hear such a message. With the woke lunacy of DEI being constantly foisted onto young minds, Mr. Butker has done a masterful service to the graduates and underclassmen (I guess that should be underclasspersons) at Benedictine. God bless him and his family. Whether Commissioner Roger Goodell realizes it or not, he is in a position to convey a similar message to the NFL rather than pandering to suddenly rich, not-long-out-of-high-school ‘stars’ who are nowhere near maturity and who trouble seems to follow. Sad.” —West Virginia

“An absolutely outstanding commencement address. Our nation and the world need to receive more messages like this in order to restore morality, order, and hope for our succeeding generations. Progressives and the woke are of course apoplectic in their condemnations of hearing the truth because it counters their agenda to fundamentally transform society for self-serving motives. People of God who believe in traditional religious and societal values and common sense should hail and commend Harrison Butker for his beliefs and the courage to share them for the benefit of all. Hopefully, the faithful will join him in speaking truth and standing up to all who increasingly promote evil in opposition to what is inherently right and good.” —Florida

“These heartfelt, sincere, truthful comments should be a watershed moment for all Catholics the world over, not just in the U.S. God is missing in all our lives today, from the parish to the military to the schools. Man’s hubris rules, ignoring the fact that we are all born into God’s grace and made in His image. If ever there were lost souls wandering over the earth, they are here now. This little speech at a very small Catholic college should be heard around the world.” —Massachusetts

“The fact that the NFL felt compelled to comment on the graduation speech speaks volumes as to where the league is regarding the social issues of the day. The NFL runs as fast as it can toward the almighty dollar, giving not a whit about who its audience actually is.” —North Carolina

“Thirty years ago (May 1983), my wife wrote an article entitle ‘The Feminist Assault on Motherhood’ in the now-defunct magazine Conservative Digest. Change ‘feminist’ to ‘woke/progressive’ and the article is still appropriate.” —Maryland

Re: The Trump-Biden Debates Are On

“Why do all the debates use left-leaning news anchors as moderators? I would rather have some random person not affiliated with politics or news read questions submitted and vetted by random people not involved in politics. Put 200 pertinent questions into a box and choose perhaps 10-20 of them blindly on stage in real time. There is a lot less chance of shenanigans and bias. We don’t need people wearing ear pieces or having a monitor screen in front of them. We don’t need a moderator sharing questions with one side prior to the debate or not asking questions one candidate doesn’t want asked.” —Utah

Re: Clarence Thomas Saves the CFPB

“Congress didn’t just cede legislative authority to an executive agency. It’s worse — Congress granted legislative, executive, and judicial authority to what is effectively an office of the Federal Reserve Bank, which is entirely outside of the federal government. There is no authority in the Constitution for entities with such nationwide powers outside of the three branches. The Court erred in allowing it to remain in existence, but Congress made the first error, and now We the People must make Congress undo it. If Congress desires to regulate anything, it must first consider whether it has the authority, then retain its constitutional authority in the legislation.” —Minnesota

Re: Leftists Falsely Revise Trump’s Record

“I will gladly take Trump’s chaos over Biden any day. Do the people who support Biden not have to buy groceries, gas, or electricity? All of which are at least 20% higher than when Trump was in office. We need Trump back in the White House to restore peace and dignity and to avert WWIII.” —Illinois

Re: Enough of Robert ‘F’ De Niro

“So true! Shut up and act, but don’t tell me about your vile views of someone you hate because they’re different from you. De Niro destroyed any appreciation I had for his work when he showed me his ugly, hateful inside when Trump decided to run. It was disappointing, but I was over it in about six seconds. De Niro and so many more actors and musicians have ruined their entire body of work with stupid political statements that I didn’t need to know. I refuse to support their craft after having my intellect insulted. I’m not that smart, and too much of that kind of BS can be a brain toxin.” —Oregon