The Patriot Post® · Toxic Feminism's Most Diabolical Lies

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

By now, we have all seen and opined on the speech given at Benedictine College’s commencement ceremony by Kansas City Chiefs placekicker Harrison Butker. It was a wonderful speech filled with inspiration and truth that today’s youth desperately need to hear. The speech was deemed controversial for many reasons, but one of those reasons particularly set off the toxic feminists and their apologists everywhere.

What was Butker’s crime? He spoke to the ladies about the “diabolical lies” that our culture has sold to women. “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world,” he said, “but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.” He went on to speak highly of his wife, saying, “I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.”

That last part is what set the feminists into an enraged spiral.

To the women who are victims of toxic feminism, Butker’s words felt like a stab to the heart. They find it unbelievable and even deplorable for a husband to speak for his wife, especially regarding her value and happiness. Toxic feminists have been indoctrinated to hate men and children so much that they cannot fathom a woman believing that her life starts when she becomes a wife and mother. But even if Butker’s words hurt their feelings, it doesn’t make them untrue.

Women have been sold many lies by toxic feminism, but three are particularly egregious.

First, women have been sold the lie that career trumps marriage and motherhood. From the shows they watch to the influencers they follow on social media, young girls and women are pressured into pursuing a career before becoming a wife or mother. They are told that it’s dangerous and irresponsible to rely on a man or bring a child into the world without having a six-figure job. “Girl Boss” or “Boss Babe” culture reduces a woman’s value down to corporate productivity, and when women break free from the spell, they are left confused, angry, and alone.

Recently, a woman went viral on social media discussing her dating struggles. She spoke about wanting to find love but being unable to do so regardless of how healthy, financially stable, and independent she is. She describes feeling punished for being unable to find love despite the beautiful life she built for herself. This young woman is a victim of toxic feminism and Boss Babe culture.

Second, toxic feminism has trained women to believe that they must get on birth control as early as possible, regardless of sexual activity. Many girls believe that hormonal birth control does more than prevent pregnancies; it can also regulate acne, PCOS, and endometriosis. While this may be true in some cases, doctors don’t always inform women about some of the adverse effects hormonal birth control may have. These effects can range from ectopic pregnancies to liver damage. And when women begin to do their research on hormonal birth control by reading the inserts provided by the manufacturers, they are deemed right-wing conspiracy theorists. Birth control is important for the survival of toxic feminism because, without it, a woman could possibly find her highest calling — motherhood.

Third, toxic feminism has led women to believe that motherhood is a burden, not a gift, and that childrearing is dangerous, not empowering. This lie is the cruelest one of all because it has led to the genocide of unborn babies in our country.

Women have been trained to believe that freedom ends at the birth of her baby, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. A mother and her baby form a unique bond in the womb that will last a lifetime.

The fear of trauma or complications leaves women feeling so inadequate that they relinquish the birthing experience to medical professionals. Unfortunately, those fears result in a cascade of unnecessary medical interventions that often lead to postpartum difficulties. The reality is that pregnancy and birth are an important season of a woman’s life because she becomes selfless and learns to trust her intuition.

Harrison Butker is correct. Toxic feminism has sold many diabolical lies to women, but the tide may be turning. Many women have awakened from the toxic feminist spell and are slowly taking back their health and embracing their femininity. Women are leaving the corporate world to stay home with their kids, and many are ditching their birth control and learning how to track their own cycles. Lastly, women are also coming to the realization that our lives truly do start when we become wives and mothers.