The Patriot Post® · Bizarre Campus Interviews Weaken Trans Alliances

By Samantha Koch ·

The Alphabet Mafia has quite a grip on society, but not just on the members of their ideological cult or those who wave the rainbow flag or rock purple hair. Their stranglehold is on many who do not hold even one of their many lettered identities. These people seem to voice their support for any and all demands of this particular mob solely out of fear, knowing that the consistent underlying threat of bullying, social cancellation, job loss, or complete reputational demise are all things that lay in wait as retaliatory responses to any type of opposition or resistance.

As such, most might feel that drawing a line in the sand is not worth the risk, no matter how far downward the spiral goes or how many children, teens, and young adults are irreversibly harmed along the way.

Exposing the continued insanity are brave content creators who engage at a grassroots level and are willing to step into the lion’s den (e.g., college campuses) to test out, among many things, whether the allegiance to the trans mob that most people profess is truly genuine — or if it comes from a place of knowing what their fate might be should they question the cause anyway.

Once such creator, “Simply Shula,” recently wandered around a college campus in the standard blue wig and rainbow shirt, and approached random men walking by, asking if they would be willing to donate a testicle to support a trans man (a woman attempting to transition to a man) — as if this is just a normal request to make of a total stranger.

In watching the street conversation, it is obvious that this is not meant to be a legitimate line of questioning, nor is it expected to be taken seriously. However, given the current state of society and the clownish world we live in, the men who agreed to be engaged did so under the impression that she was sincere, and they answered accordingly.

To the first individual, she asked, “Would you donate one of your testicles to benefit trans men and help fight toxic masculinity?” His response was hesitant: “I’d have to know more about the medical implications of me having a procedure to donate one of my testicles, but I’m not against the idea entirely.”

Several more were faced with the same scenario. A more assured man said, “Sure! Why not?”

Another replied, “I suppose in theory, yeah.”

It might need to be explained that it is impossible to donate an organ “in theory.” Then again, it’s also impossible for a woman to become a man.

The issue, in part, is that these young men have been conditioned to believe they cannot say “No” to such a request by this community, no matter how extreme, and that they do not feel secure enough in immediately saying “No,” as they are likely worried about potential backlash. But the other part of the problem is that they seem to think they are proving themselves to be true heroes and dedicated allies to the trans cause. How so? By their stated willingness to make such a significant sacrifice — despite the fact that we all know there is no chance they will ever be required to undergo this procedure. In other words, their heroism is purely for show.

It is easy to virtue signal and say whatever is necessary to, if nothing else, stay off the rainbow bully radar and essentially save your own skin — and perhaps win a few points in popularity on social media and praise from activist groups. You don’t have to think about the impact of vocally supporting these destructive ideas, or about how even the appearance of public backing in the surrounding area might be enough to keep sexually graphic materials in your local school district or legalize harmful drugs and prescriptions for minors. None of that matters when you can present as a champion of these so-called “rights” but face none of the effects in your own life.

A separate round of interview questions carried out on another campus demonstrated the same absolute dismissal of the devastating consequences of gender ideology. A young woman aligned with the conservative Turning Point USA organization approached college students in Arizona, asking them if they would be willing to sign a petition and donate money, all for the purpose of medically transitioning an eight-year-old boy to a girl.

Despite the consistent argument that trans activists and allies spout — that there are no doctors in the U.S. who are carrying out “gender-affirming” surgeries on anyone under the age of 18 — the TPUSA interviewer was able to demonstrate that it is a baseless point, as she quickly gained enough signatures to fill an entire page. They not only stand behind the transition of minors but will donate money from their pockets to fund it.

Anyone who has been following this issue closely knows that there are no lines, limits, or boundaries for what a person will and will not accept, even when faced with the most obvious violation of what’s reasonable or indisputably moral. Once you step into the ring where the standards of compassion and acceptance are to align with delusion and hysteria, there is no going back.

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