The Patriot Post® · Cognitive Dissonance in Germany

By Emmy Griffin ·

Germany is the birthplace of Lutheranism and, as UK Anglican priest Father Calvin Robinson points out, all the heresy. The German people, the German Protestant Church, and the German Roman Catholic Church are struggling mightily against the heresy of the LGBTQ+ agenda (which contradicts explicit teaching from the Bible) and particularly the transgender agenda (which is also a Marxist version of gnostic dualism).

There is a glimmer of hope, though, for Germany. Medical professionals there gathered and put “gender-affirming care” for minors up for a vote. Overwhelmingly, the delegates — who represent all the medical organizations in Germany — voted against it for minors struggling with gender confusion. That means German children are now protected from the scientific experimentation of bad actors and activist medical professionals who are giving them puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender mutilation surgeries.

They also voted against “self ID” — i.e., minors are not allowed to self-identify as an incorrect gender unless they have the okay from a psychiatric diagnosis. Could this be a tacit admission that transgenderism is a mental illness?

Sadly for Germans, though, this all seems to be one step forward and two steps back. As their medical assemblies display some common sense, the government just decriminalized child porn possession and distribution.

Possession of child pornography had been a felony in Germany since 2021 but has been downgraded to a misdemeanor with a minimum sentence of three months prison time for possession and six months for distribution. This was seen as a big win for a pro-pedophile lobbying group that is pushing to get the age of consent lowered to 12.

It is truly a sick and sad day for Germany when an openly pedophilic group is allowed to hold sway over decisions that affect an entire country. These people are perverted and depraved, willing to prey on the most vulnerable for their own pleasure and power.

On X, this story is slapped with a Community Note saying that the downgrade was intended to protect good people who were reporting possession by another person or perhaps had confiscated it as evidence when turning that person in.

That is decidedly untrue. If that were the case, it would have been easy to stipulate that exception in the law without reducing charges and associated penalties. News and opinion magazine Reduxx not only eviscerated this particular Community Note but also exposed that the poster was associated with the German government trying to spin this.

So Germany’s governing bodies are okay with the predation of children via child porn by not prosecuting with any real consequence those who exploit them while the medical associations are no longer exploiting children with “gender-affirming care”? This is an exchange of one form of exploitation and depravity for another, and it’s morally backward.

Germany, like many Western countries, sees only consent and expert advice as the rule by which to live. Exploitation of the vulnerable at any level is a sin. But leftists have abandoned the idea of individual sin and replaced it with the assertion that broader society as a whole is to blame for individual woes. As political pundit Ben Shapiro perfectly put it: “That is the basic Left-wing theology when it comes to curing the sin of the world, considering sin does not abide at the level of the individual; sin only abides at the level of the society. It is the Marxist materialist idea that the only reason people are bad is because the systems under which they live are inherently bad and corrupt, and therefore, if we can cure those systems, then humanity will be magically and absolutely transformed.”

That’s why Germany or any country led by the Left cannot have any sort of moral clarity. That’s why there is cognitive dissonance.