The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Memorial Day Mixed Messages — Getting It Right

“Thank you for your gracious Memorial Day message. Indeed, when so many other publications barely gave it a glance, I knew I could count on The Patriot Post to stand alone in honoring those who deserve our gratitude. Your point about disgraceful Memorial Day advertising, which you make every year, is lost on some, but it seems there are fewer ads this year, so maybe businesses are finally getting the message. I so appreciate the fact that The Patriot Post also stands alone in that you have no clickbait news to sell advertising, which litters other conservative publications.” —Texas

“I am touched by your Memorial Day message and the enduring words you thoughtfully chose to remind us of the real cost of Freedom. In a time when too many Americans have never been taught about Liberty and Freedom, Memorial Day has become sales, summer, etc. The Patriot Post never drifts from its mission. Thank you.” —California

Re: DEI Is Killing Medicine

“It worries me to death to realize that there are out there, attending to myself and to my loved ones, doctors who did not actually qualify for medical school but rather slid through thanks to DEI.” —Pennsylvania

“Success should have nothing to do with race or political party alliances. It has to do with being able to diagnose and treat based on the diagnosis, and, most importantly, treating patients as people who are there to be cured of disease or infirmity, not to be lectured on politics.” —Arizona

“Let’s try this: If some segment of society wants to practice DEI, let’s require that it never involve occupations in which someone else can be harmed by it. Doctors, police, construction workers, pharmacy workers, etc. I do not want to find that someone whose incompetence can harm me is someone I am paying to get it right every time.” —Florida

“Using this method of admissions for any medical school will open them up to future lawsuits.” —Washington

Re: ‘The Big 9’: The Questionable Renaming of Things

“Frankly, I’m fed up with being made to feel like a second-class citizen merely because I’m white and abide by the laws in my home state, home city, and country. But to liberals, that’s not enough. To them, I should be thankful that I have not been taxed into oblivion because I made sacrifices and went without things during my earning years and managed to save enough for retirement. Shame on me for challenging Marxist thought that punishes success and rewards failure.” —Arizona

Re: NYT Scoop: Alito Is an ‘Insurrectionist’

“Ever notice how it is only constructionist justices that are attacked in the Left’s attempt to delegitimize SCOTUS? You never hear anything about how Solicitor General Kagan defended the government’s position prior to ruling on ObamaCare as a justice. You don’t hear about attacks on ‘the wise Latina’ Sotomayor. You don’t hear about attacks on ‘not a biologist’ Jackson. Why not? Because the mainstream media protects them.” —Oklahoma

Re: What Trump’s Massive Bronx Rally Means

“I long for a restoration of Reagan’s vision and agree Trump is our best hope. Yet, even with Trump’s polling advantages and enthusiastic mass rallies, after the 2020 election shenanigans, a Trump 2024 win seems unlikely. The Bronx support of Trump is like a whiff of fresh cool air on a steamy, sultry summer afternoon: refreshing, but without a storm it is just a flirt. My soul thirsts to hear thunder and see lightning.” —Missouri

Re: Bizarre Campus Interviews Weaken Trans Alliances

“Indeed, ‘the Alphabet Mafia has quite a grip on society,’ particularly in the inordinate amount of influence they have on the vast majority of people who do not subscribe to their aberrant beliefs and behaviors. The designation of an entire month to garner attention and promote their ideological cult with in-your-face ‘Pride’ and fascist-like demonstrations provide prime evidence. A few years ago, the editor of First Things coined the term ‘Rainbow Reich’ for the perpetrators of ‘Pride’ and their agenda of a ‘deregulated society to serve the interests of the abnormal.’ ‘Rainbow Reich’ should be attached to the LGBTQ+ movement because it more accurately describes their aims and tactics.” —Florida

Re: Profiles of Valor: Farewell Col Bud Anderson (USAF)

“Thank you, Patriot Post team, for ensuring that the actions of American military heroes are properly recollected, reminding us of their valor and their sacrifices on our behalf.” —Connecticut