The Patriot Post® · Is the Bronx Trump Country Now?

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

For decades, both political parties assumed that the minority vote belonged to the Democrats. The Left could comfortably campaign on empty promises while Republicans refused to engage. But this election season, the tide is turning.

Progressive Democrats have taken their agenda to an extreme that can no longer be ignored. From inflation to indoctrination in public schools to illegal immigration, the minority community can no longer afford to support the shenanigans of the Left.

The Biden administration continues to tell the American people that the economy is booming, but the average American will tell you otherwise. What the average American experiences now is cutting down on meals to make their groceries last or picking up a second or third job just to make ends meet.

Public schools continue to fail to teach children basic reading and math skills but will prioritize teaching gender ideology to the kids while keeping secrets from parents.

Our southern border is being invaded daily, and those who enter our country illegally seem to receive more benefits than American citizens.

These issues have become front and center to the Hispanic and black communities, and Democrats are in trouble.

Hispanic and black voters who once identified as Democrats have broken away and can now clearly see the emotional propaganda that was sold to them against building a wall to protect our borders. A video on X shows two Hispanic men who no longer identify as Democrats speaking about how it feels unnatural to vote for Republicans, but they cannot be put in a box, and it’s time to vote their interests and values.

In Chicago, a predominantly black community aired grievances over shelter and resources being given to illegal immigrants over American citizens in need. One resident said, “They’re junking up our country. And yeah, we feel some kind of way about it because it’s our country. We’re going to get them out of our communities because they don’t deserve to be there.”

Sentiments like these are the reason presidential candidate Donald Trump made a visit to the Bronx in New York City.

Trump’s rally was well attended by people from all ethnicities and walks of life. In the heart of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s district, Trump gave a speech wherein he called his rally a “love fest” as he was drowned out by “we love Trump” chants. Those who attended his rally were surprised he visited the Bronx but were happy he was there. One woman even claimed that she was nonpolitical but still came down to see Trump.

A Hispanic man at the rally explained to a journalist that New York is tired of Democrat policies that have harmed their communities. He says AOC had the opportunity to help but didn’t.

For far too long, Democrats took the minority vote for granted, and now that vote is up for grabs. Republicans have a unique opportunity to speak to communities that feel betrayed after being loyal to Democrats for decades.

There is a new audience ready and willing to listen to what Republicans have to offer, and it is a refreshing sight. Americans of all walks of life are ready to take back their country to Make America Great Again.