The Patriot Post® · Biden/Harris and the Black Vote

By Emmy Griffin ·

How can you tell a campaign isn’t doing well? Besides dragging out octogenarian actors to stump for votes outside of Trump’s New York trial and berate skeptics, President Joe Biden appeared at a rally in Pennsylvania on Wednesday to shore up the black vote. He and Vice President Kamala Harris have launched a new voter group called Black Voters for Biden-Harris.

This is not Team Biden’s first attempt in recent weeks to solicit the black vote. His disgraceful pandering at the historically black Morehouse College was an early indication of this campaign’s concern about this usually reliable voting bloc.

Both The Washington Post and NBC News report that Biden is bleeding minority voters. Biden is not the moderate he portrayed himself to be in his 2020 campaign. Instead, he has followed his radical left-wing handlers and alienated many independent voters. This more moderate bloc of voters includes a large number in the black community who are not on board with Biden’s radical push on culture war issues like transing the kids.

The Post also suggests that black voters are looking to vote for third-party candidates or are opting not to vote at all in the upcoming election. NBC blames social media misinformation for telling potential young black voters that Biden is a bad president. Memo to NBC: Biden is a bad president. Under his watch, our country has suffered economically, an invasion has been facilitated at our southern border, and bad foreign actors have been empowered to spark several wars abroad.

But even with the Leftmedia’s attempts to help spin this administration’s negatives as a positive, the Biden campaign is in desperate need of damage control.

Pennsylvania has a specific bone to pick with Team Biden. This battleground state has been particularly hurt by the Democrats’ green energy initiatives. It is the second-largest producer of natural gas and the largest coal-producing state. Biden’s recent halt on liquified natural gas exports coupled with his crippling of the energy sector in favor of green boondoggles hits states like Pennsylvania particularly hard.

It’s facts like these that Republicans are pointing to. Former President Donald Trump was very friendly to fracking. “Joe Biden’s approval rating is underwater in Pennsylvania, and he knows it,” commented Republican National Committee spokesperson Rachel Lee. “Despite Biden and Harris’s best attempts to gaslight Keystone State voters, they know exactly who is to blame for soaring costs, a spiraling border crisis, and staggering crime rates across the country.”

Prominent black Democrats were present at the Black Votes for Biden/Harris rally to encourage their constituents to vote for Biden. These include Maryland Governor Wes Moore, Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Austin Davis, Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker, and Congressional Black Caucus Chair Steven Horsford.

Biden went out of his way to use the typical Democrat playbook — i.e., painting the Republican challenger as a racist — at his rally Wednesday, saying of former President Trump: “This is the same guy who wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested George Floyd’s murder. The same guy who still calls the Central Park Five guilty, even though they were exonerated. He’s that landlord who denies housing applications because of the color of your skin.” Fox News was quick to fact-check Biden’s claim that the protests were peaceful. However, the main point is that Biden’s pandering is ridiculously aggressive and atrocious, and it is Democrats, not Republicans, who are obsessed with the color of skin.

Pandering isn’t going to be enough to convince some black voters that Biden has their back. The whole country is hurting because of Biden’s feckless spending and reckless economic policies that have sunk us into an inflationary cycle. He has proven in other ways that the American people aren’t a priority to the Democrat Party, particularly with his open border policy, and he has made the world a significantly less safe place with his poor leadership. America under Joe Biden is in rough shape, and it’s obvious enough that he’s bleeding support even among the black community.