The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

We’re Shocked — Shocked!

“The Supreme Court tried to block me from relieving student debt. But they didn’t stop me. I’ve relieved student debt for over 5 million Americans. I’m going to keep going.” —Joe Biden

The BIG Lie

“I got involved as a kid in the civil rights movement. … In 1969, I got involved deeply in the civil rights movement.” —Joe Biden


“On Memorial Day, I proudly stood with a black man.” —Joe Biden

“Black voters placed enormous faith in me. I’ve tried to do my best to honor that trust, staying true to the value set that we share — it got me involved as a kid in the first place.” —Joe Biden

Dumb & Dumber

“Those polls are going to turn. I’m confident of it because as time goes on and as people start to focus a little bit more about what’s at stake and start to become educated on the issues and the differences between the two men, I believe Americans are going to choose good over evil.” —Jill Biden

“In Joe Biden, we have a fighter; a leader with skill, vision, determination, and compassion; a leader who keeps his promises.” —Kamala Harris


“Even the most hard-bitten, cynical political operative would have been hard-pressed to imagine a way to keep an opponent off the campaign trail entirely. Rummaging through an opponent’s garbage, stealing his debate-prep materials, distorting his record in lavishly funded negative ads — all that looks amateurish compared to abusing the criminal-justice system for political ends the way Alvin Bragg has.” —Rich Lowry

“Everything in politics is timing, and the Bragg trial achieves its value by being a 2024 event. … As long as Democrats have their ‘convicted felon’ label on Trump for the duration of 2024, it doesn’t matter that there may eventually be a superseding ‘reversed on appeal’ label in 2025 or 2026, when this election will have been long decided.” —Rich Lowry

“The Deep State created a hoax to undermine a president’s administration. The Deep State censored the truth and the American people to influence an election. Parents and churches were spied on. A former president’s house was raided. A former president was criminally charged in multiple jurisdictions on trumped-up charges, and is facing jail time. Did you ever think you would see anything like this in America?” —Gary Bauer

For the Record

“Just a friendly reminder that Bill Clinton flew regularly to Epstein Island… and he was never charged with a crime.” —Tim Young

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