The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Non Compos Mentis

“We’re living in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world than any point since the end of the World War II, since these beaches were stormed.” —Joe Biden on D-Day

“Eighty years ago today, thousands of brave Americans fought to protect democracy on the shores of Normandy. This November, all we have to do is vote.” —Hillary Clinton

Why can’t our elitist overlords simply honor our true heroes instead of making everything political?

The BIG Lies

“I’ve come here today to do what the Republicans in Congress refuse to do: take the necessary steps to secure our border. … I’m moving past Republican obstruction and using the executive authorities available to me as president to do what I can on my own to address the border. … Republicans have left me with no choice. … I’m doing my part. We’re doing our part. Congressional Republicans should do their part.” —Joe Biden

“Due to the arrangements that I’ve reached with [Mexican] President [Andrés Manuel López] Obrador, the number of migrants coming… to our shared border unlawfully in recent months has dropped dramatically.” —Joe Biden


“To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now. … Doing nothing is not an option. We have to act.” —Joe Biden

For the Record

“Obama DHS chief Jeh Johnson once said 1000 illegal border crossers a day was a ‘bad day’ that ‘overwhelms the system.’ Looks like Biden executive order will formalize any number below 2500, ensuring that every day will be a bad day.” —Byron York

“The only acceptable number of illegal immigrants is zero.” —Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR)

“Polls show that the border has moved to the top of voter concerns, and a significant majority believe Donald Trump would do a better job handling it. Perhaps because he did.” —The Wall Street Journal

“This is not a border crisis for [Democrats]. This is a reelection crisis.” —Mary Katharine Ham

Race Bait

“The governors of Texas and Florida … sent the problem, if you want to call it a problem, of undocumented people, and they’ve shipped them all over the country like the old, you know, segregationists … used to put black people on buses and say, ‘Hey, let’s send them to your city so that you’ll be upset.’” —MSNBC’s Joy Reid

Lack of Self-Awareness Award

“Donald Trump Confirms Plans to Jail Opponents.” —Biden-Harris campaign press release

Political Futures

“The question echoes throughout the media: How can a convicted felon be running even with the incumbent president? The answer is twofold: First, Joe Biden is a truly awful president; second, Biden has no ground to stand on in labeling Trump a threat to law and order.” —Ben Shapiro

Who Wants to Tell Them?

“Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” —The Wall Street Journal

Belly Laughs of the Day

“I’ve spent time with every House speaker over the past 30 years and Joe Biden. It’s just not close. If you want to talk about international affairs, if you want to talk about how to get bipartisan legislation, Joe Biden is light years ahead of all of them.” —MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough

“Look, I know I’m accused of being a congenital optimist.” —Joe Biden