The Patriot Post® · Thursday: Below the Fold

By Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler ·


  • Biden speaks on 80th anniversary of D-Day: Earlier today, Joe Biden spoke at Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the largest amphibious invasion in history. We’re relieved to say his speechwriters didn’t live down to our expectations. Instead, Biden delivered a decent speech mostly devoid of politics, and he did so without any colossal flubs. We say “mostly” and not “entirely,” though, because while his remarks did indeed honor those who fought and died there on that Longest Day in northwestern France, he also warned of “tyranny” and “dictators” and “isolationism” in today’s world. Those remarks had a hint of campaign rhetoric to them. Donald Trump, after all, as Joe Biden disingenuously tells us on the campaign trail, “will be a dictator on Day 1.” Biden also spent far too much time talking about Ukraine, where his wastrel son once had a lucrative money-for-nothing job. In doing so, he made an invidious comparison between Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin, a comparison that diminishes the true monstrosity of the former and gives undue “credit” to the latter. Still, while Biden’s speech was far from stirring, it wasn’t the utter embarrassment that it could’ve been. And for that, on this day, we should be grateful.

  • RIP: 102-year-old WWII vet from New York dies traveling to France for D-Day commemoration (NY Post)

  • Florida judge allows debate over Trump special counsel legality: Aileen Cannon is no Juan Merchan, and for that, all of us who prefer the Rule of Law to the rule of men can be thankful. Cannon, the Colombian-born, Trump-appointed U.S. District Court judge presiding over the Biden “Justice” Department’s 40-count indictment of Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents, has agreed to oral arguments among legal scholars to debate the constitutionality of special persecutor Jack Smith’s appointment as special counsel. As the Washington Examiner reports, Cannon on Tuesday said she’d “allow 30 minutes for each legal scholar to present their arguments at a June 21 hearing about why Smith may or may not have been legally appointed by the Justice Department.” Trump’s legal team will argue that Smith “is not an ‘officer of the United States’ but rather an ‘employee’ whose ‘appointment is inconsistent with the separation of powers and political accountability.’” Much to Smith’s chagrin, Cannon’s ruling makes it increasingly unlikely that the case — which legal scholars on both sides say is the most serious threat to Trump — will be adjudicated before the November 5 presidential election.

  • GA court puts Trump’s trial on hold: The trial of Donald Trump over alleged election interference in Georgia has been put on hold and will likely not occur before the election after the Georgia Court of Appeals issued a stay on the case on Wednesday. The reason is the motion that Trump’s defense team raised to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis due to her “improper” romantic relationship with then-prosecutor Nathan Wade, whom she had personally chosen. The Trump defense team alleges that Willis is compromised. A decision by a lower court on Willis is not expected until March 2025; therefore, with the Georgia Court of Appeals having stayed the case until the outcome of the Willis decision, there will be no trial. Given this decision, all the remaining cases Trump faces have now been delayed until after the election.

  • NEWSFLASH: Biden is old: The Wall Street Journal caused quite a stir when it bravely reported on Tuesday that Joe Biden is starting to show his age. “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping,” reads the article’s headline, which implies that Biden hasn’t shown signs of slipping in plain sight. Since then, Team Biden has been scurrying around to deny the sad reality that set in long ago. As The Hill reports: “White House officials and President Biden’s allies went on the attack [and] Democrats rallied to Biden’s defense and took issue with key parts of the story, blasting the Journal for largely citing the accounts of Republican officials who had spent time with the president, including former [Republican] Speaker Kevin McCarthy.” But, as our Emmy Griffin notes today, Biden routinely shows that he’s “a man with fading faculties,” and “It’s only the diehard sycophants who are still clinging to the lie that our president is as sharp as ever.”

  • Humor: Aides begin putting googly eyes on Biden so he looks like he’s paying attention (Babylon Bee)

  • Black Panther Party founder “endorses” Trump: The former leader and founding member of the Black Panther Party, David Hilliard, recently released a video on TikTok in which he praised Donald Trump, calling him “a decent man” and a “friend to African-Americans.” Trump is “not a racist,” Hilliard says in the video, which has since been removed. “He’s not a racist, fascist white man. He supports black people.” After the video was taken down, Hilliard’s grandson, Eric Jones, claimed that his grandfather was not endorsing Trump, claiming that he “does not even know Trump is a politician,” “has been dealing with cognitive issues since 2014,” and “can only recall the past.” Yet Jones’s claim that Hilliard doesn’t recognize current events appears dubious given the fact that Hilliard also referenced Trump’s New York trial. “He likes black folks,” Hilliard said. “I think that Trump is qualified in a very decent approach to having somebody representing America.” Apparently, the 81-year-old Hilliard is cognitively astute enough to know that the Democrats’ smearing of Trump as racist is bogus. That makes him more astute than another particular 81-year-old.

  • Trump team embraces early voting and mail-in ballots in “Swamp the Vote” initiative (NY Post)

  • Over 500 noncitizens register to vote in local DC elections — only 28 as Republicans (PM) | Top four takeaways from DC primaries in first election allowing noncitizens to vote (Washington Examiner)


  • Last year’s job growth overestimated by 730,000 jobs: Much of the mainstream media has been gaslighting Americans on the state of the economy. “Things are great,” they have repeatedly stated, and they point to stats like the steady rate of job growth to back up their assertions. The trouble is that Americans aren’t feeling it, and for good reason. A recent report from Bloomberg looks to be the beginning of the “economy is great” mask coming off. The business news outlet reports that last year’s officially reported jobs numbers were overstated by a whopping 730,000. As the report notes, “Based on more comprehensive measures … monthly nonfarm payroll prints likely overstated job growth by 730K last year — with hiring maybe even falling below zero in October.” Even more concerning, the report observes the same factors at work this year. “The true pace of job growth currently is below 100K per month — substantially below the 242K three-month average pace in the printed establishment survey report,” it says. “By the end of the year, the printed level of nonfarm-payrolls for 2024 likely will overstate true employment by at least one million.”

  • A UAW “win” in AL after all? Last month, workers at two Mercedes-Benz plants in Alabama voted down unionization by a significant margin; 56% of employees voted against joining the United Auto Workers. Well, the UAW didn’t take too kindly to being rejected by the workers and aims to force them into the UAW irrespective of their vote. Thanks to the Biden administration’s National Labor Relations Board, the UAW can effectively ignore the outcome of the workers’ vote by simply alleging that an employer has committed an “unfair labor practice.” If the NLRB agrees with the UAW’s accusation against an employer, then the union wins, and the workers are effectively unionized. The message the UAW is sending to workers is, You will unionize irrespective of how you vote. This is how “democracy” works in Biden’s America.

  • Biden’s war on oil and gas has cost the U.S. $250 billion in lost GDP (Daily Wire)

  • Virginia will exit California electric vehicle mandate at end of year (

  • A Lone Star stock exchange? Here’s an idea whose time has come: a national stock exchange headquartered in a state that doesn’t persecute its political opponents via banana-republican show trials. And it could be a reality sooner than you think. As The Wall Street Journal reports: “A group backed by Wall Street heavyweights BlackRock and Citadel Securities is planning to start a new national stock exchange in Texas, aiming to take on what they see as onerous regulation at the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. The Texas Stock Exchange, which has raised approximately $120 million from individuals and large investment firms, plans to file registration documents with the Securities and Exchange Commission later this year, CEO James Lee told The Wall Street Journal.” We wonder about the involvement of BlackRock, the financial behemoth whose fetish for The Great Reset and so-called environmental, social, and governmental considerations in its investments has been well-documented. Still, the ambitious goal of the enterprise is to begin facilitating trades as early as next year.


  • FBI told Nashville Police release of school shooter writings would lead to “conspiracy theories,” “inaccurate info” (Daily Wire)

  • SPLC adds Gays Against Groomers to list of “anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups” (Daily Signal)

  • Children among dozens killed in strike on Gaza school that Israeli military says was being used by Hamas (NBC News)

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