The Patriot Post® · Confusing Adoption With the Gender Agenda

By Samantha Koch ·

Two families that have provided foster care to children in Vermont for more than a decade have filed a lawsuit against the state’s Department for Children and Families after their license to care for minors in state custody was abruptly revoked. The decision came as a shock, as both couples have a lengthy record with the system of providing a safe and loving environment for numerous children in need.

They have been doing their part to alleviate some of the stress weighing on this particular agency, as Vermont foster officials have described “a desperate need for emergency foster homes,” conveying the severity of the situation as “a crisis beyond what we have seen before.” With the demand for open homes and willing families being so high, why would this organization suddenly shut down multiple homes of volunteers who are willing, experienced, and successful at providing the service they claim to desperately need?

The conflict is alleged to have stemmed from a recent change to the definition of “child abuse” by Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services — where the second in command is a man posing as a woman named Rachel Levine. HHS now says that a lack of gender “affirmation” by a child’s parent or caregiver falls into that category.

As The Daily Signal reports, “The rule would reinterpret the Social Security Act, which requires agencies to ensure that each child in foster care receives ‘safe and proper’ care. The rule would lay out steps agencies must take to meet that requirement for LGBTQI+ children, defined as kids who ‘identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, as well as children who are non-binary, or have non-conforming gender identity or expression.’”

The foster parents in question had previously divulged, for informational purposes, that they practice the Christian faith in their homes. Outrageously, that admission became a red flag to the Department for Children and Families that the family would likely be unwilling to comply with the idea that children can pick their gender or observe the request of a gender-confused child to use pronouns or language that did not align with their biological sex.

The filing confirms these sentiments, showing that though both families have fostered and adopted several children, and it is safe to assume that these kids were likely rescued from a life of instability and additional trauma by these kind and selfless people, “The Department has determined they are unfit to foster or adopt any child solely due to their religiously inspired and widely held belief that girls cannot become boys or vice versa.”

The well-being of the kids they are trying to help is now a carrot to dangle in front of them. Their desire to care for troubled children will likely be used as a manipulation tactic to influence them into submission, with their license to continue providing such care to struggling kids offered as the reward for their obedience.

If they refuse and the children they could have helped remain in state care, and thereby suffer life-long repercussions for not being placed in a stable environment, it’s these Christian families who will be blamed for being unwilling to submit to the state’s destructive ideology.

The devastating consequences will also be felt by this agency, as it begs for the assistance of stable families but simultaneously insists that these children are better off being left in an overcrowded system rather than in a home with loving caregivers. And why? Simply because they disagree with the idea of confusing children about their gender.

However, if you were to ask the children what their thoughts and feelings on the matter are, they would choose the home with a loving couple and a secure environment, regardless of the beliefs of the caregivers themselves.

This is yet another demonstration by the increasingly degenerate Democrat Party that it will use any tactic necessary to force compliance, “normalize” deviancy, and crush even the most vulnerable to do it. They will not hold back on the objective of advancing these destructive belief systems, which they tend to sell under the guise of inclusivity and love. They know that the concepts that they are forcing into every aspect of American life are meant to dismantle a country built on, among many things, a fundamental sense of right and wrong as a necessary cornerstone for any nation whose goal is to foster a prosperous and generous society.

The favorite pawns of today’s radical movement are children. Every debauched idea that the radical Left proposes as a “new normal” comes from the darkest corners of the human psyche, yet these are often proposed to benefit kids, bolster their development, and set them up for a better future than the one built on the historically productive ideas about good and evil.

Confusing children about gender, exposing them to naked adults, and encouraging them to become mini drag queens themselves are just some of the concepts that are supposedly meant to create better and stronger citizens for the future America — an America that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have urged us to “reimagine” ever since they took office.

The leftist stance is that they are the party of the future, children’s rights, safety, and well-being. And if you disagree with their modern, progressive proposals, then you are the real threat to the youngsters.