The Patriot Post® · Monday: Below the Fold

By Nate Jackson & Jordan Candler ·

Praetorian Guard

  • If you’re “fact-checking” whether Biden pooped himself, you’re losing: The video was everywhere. During a D-Day ceremony, Joe Biden shook hands with French President Emmanuel Macron and then looked like he was about to sit down without a chair to sit in. Jill Biden discreetly covered her mouth to say something like, Joe, knock it off! Stand up! (She’s the real monster, by the way, for perpetuating the elder abuse.) People joked that maybe Biden had just soiled his pants because, well, it was a joke. It also wasn’t the first time Biden has been the, er, butt of such a joke. Did anyone actually assert or believe that he 100% did have an accident? Who knows. But the Leftmedia “fact-checkers” were out in force to challenge this “right-wing conspiracy theory.” PolitiFact, Snopes, USA Today, and The Daily Beast (more than once) all ran so-called “fact-checks” about the incident, though the very fact that they felt so compelled to do so illustrates two things: Leftists have no sense of humor, and Biden soiling himself is just that believable.

  • Israel rescues hostages, faces the haters: In a daring raid on Saturday, the Israel Defense Force rescued four civilian hostages held by Hamas terrorists since October 7. They were being held in two apartment buildings in Nuseirat. The IDF special forces officer commanding the operation was killed, and Hamas says 100 Gazans were also killed. The Western media and leftist politicians focused on that rather than the fact that no one would have died if Hamas hadn’t taken and held hostages in the first place. Kamala Harris grieved the “innocent lives” lost in the raid. What’s her evidence that they were innocent? The IDF says most of those killed were either firing weapons or otherwise assaulting the soldiers. And if these hostages had been held in an apartment for eight months, just how “innocent” were other residents? Tragically, one victim was freed only to learn that his grieving father had died the day before, without knowing that his son would live. Meanwhile, here in Washington, DC, Hamas-loving, masked thugs protested outside the White House, calling for more dead Jews, vandalizing monuments, and clashing with police — all miraculously without a single arrest.

  • Israel’s Benny Gantz quits war cabinet, upsetting Israel’s power balance (National Review)

  • Qatar issues ultimatum to Hamas: Take deal or get out (Hot Air)

  • PragerU beats Google: On Friday, the Google app store removed PragerU’s app for purportedly violating its rules on “hate speech.” Google said that a review found “content or speech asserting that a protected group is inhuman, inferior or worthy of being hated.” That content was a documentary on Hamas in which various interviewees had less than nice things to say about the terrorist group. As PragerU put it, “According to Google, sharing the stories of a former Palestinian refugee, an Arab Muslim born in Israel, and brave U.S. Navy SEALs who witnessed the horrors of Muslim extremism constitutes ‘hate speech.’” Fortunately, someone at Google tapped into some common sense. “After further re-review,” Google told PragerU, the suspension was declared to be in error, and the app was reinstated. Unfortunately, Google-owned YouTube has still demonetized more than 200 of PragerU’s videos, including videos on the Ten Commandments, for various violations of its nebulous and very left-wing standards. Big Tech speech suppressors never do really get the message.


  • Hunter Biden prosecutors rest case: The prosecutors in Hunter Biden’s trial for three gun-related felonies rested their case Friday. In addition to his ex-wife and two ex-girlfriends (one of them his late brother’s wife) testifying regarding the messier details of Hunter’s addiction to crack before and after his gun purchase, prosecutors also called to the stand an FBI chemist and a Drug Enforcement Administration agent. The former explained the forensic evidence of crack in the pouch in which the gun was disposed by Hallie Biden in a dumpster. The latter testified that Hunter’s text messages to drug dealers in October 2018 — the time of the allegedly illegal gun purchase — contained numerous slang references to crack. He also confirmed that pictures located on Hunter’s all-too-real laptop showed crack pipes and other paraphernalia. The defense began with Hunter’s daughter Naomi, who testified that her father seemed “hopeful” in October 2018 and that the same month, she did not find anything crack-related when borrowing his truck. Not exactly stunning stuff. The trial is expected to wrap up this week. All Joe Biden could say when asked if he would decline to pardon his son was, “Yes.”

  • Humor: As prosecution rests, Hunter Biden asks if this is a good time to go out back behind the dumpsters for a minute for no particular reason (Babylon Bee)

  • Grounds for a mistrial? We already knew that Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 trumped-up felony charges in a New York court was rigged from the outset. A George Soros-funded prosecutor ran for office on the promise to get Trump for something, details to be worked out later. A Biden-donating judge “randomly” ended up presiding over the case. Well, here’s a new one. According to the New York Post, “Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan revealed Friday that a Facebook user claiming to be a ‘cousin’ of a juror in former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial suggested he had advanced knowledge of last week’s guilty verdict.” The Facebook user in question is Michael Anderson, who describes himself as a “Transabled & a professional s*** poster.” He said, “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted.” The post was later deleted. It is not yet known whether he, in fact, had inside knowledge, but if a juror is found to have communicated a verdict ahead of time, it could provide grounds for a mistrial when Trump already has more than enough evidence to overturn the verdict on appeal.

  • Two-tiered justice for Bannon: Nearly two years ago, Judge Carl Nichols sentenced former Trump White House aide Steve Bannon to four months in prison for defying a subpoena from the sham House committee “investigating” the January 6 riot. Bannon was (understandably) found in contempt of Congress, and after the conviction was upheld on appeal, Nichols, a Trump appointee, has ordered him to surrender on July 1 to begin serving his sentence. It’s another case of two-tiered justice. More than a dozen Democrats have ignored congressional subpoenas, including Attorneys General Merrick Garland and Eric Holder, and they were not punished. Garland has refused Congress’s subpoena for audio recordings of Joe Biden’s conversation with Special Counsel Robert Hur about Biden’s mishandling of classified documents, and he opined at length over why he shouldn’t have to obey. Congress may hold him in contempt for that. Holder, as you may recall, was not punished for sharing false information with the Republican House about the Obama administration’s gun-running operation to Mexico. But when the legal misfit is a Trump guy, Garland’s DOJ stepped in to make the incredibly rare (the first in 40 years) executive enforcement of a legislative subpoena.

Rainbow Mafia

  • Nashville killer manifesto: On March 27, 2023, a “transgender” woman pretending to be a man murdered six innocent people at The Covenant School in Nashville. From the outset, her motivation was pretty obvious, and it was made all the more so by the preposterous effort by the FBI to bury whatever “manifesto” she had written explaining herself. Beyond anti-Christian, sexually confused factors, as well as that she was taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), scraps of her writings were unearthed last November, revealing that she was motivated at least in part by anti-white hatred. The Tennessee Star has uncovered even more, showing that the killer was obsessed with her “imaginary penis” and the “torture” of being sexually confused, which included being “misgendered” by people who declined to endorse her fantasies. Her journals also revealed intense anger aimed at conservatives, Christians, and God, primarily for her upbringing in those traditions. In large measure, we already knew these things. The scandal is that anyone thought we shouldn’t know.

  • Medical groups, doctors express “serious concerns” about gender-transition treatment for minors (National Review)

  • Kids scuff up pride mural: Who could have seen this coming? Out in Spokane, Washington, the oh-so-tolerant left-wing devotees to the Rainbow Cult painted one of their hideous pride flags all over a big intersection in town. Call us crazy, but Christians have more respect for our religion than to paint a cross where people would drive over it, but whatever. Well, the entirely predictable result was that, on multiple occasions, someone vandalized it. After much shedding of tears and gnashing of teeth among the Rainbow crowd, they repainted it. The paint was hardly dry, however, when a bunch of teen boys rode rented scooters all over the mural, likewise leaving scuff marks everywhere. An incredulous local news reporter caught it on tape. The scooter company, Lime, promised to (writer holds back uproarious laughter) ban the offenders from ever using their scooters again and to make the mural a “no-ride zone.” Here’s a pro tip: Quit defacing public property with flags celebrating the deviant use of private parts.

  • Satire: Kids arrested for driving scooters over Pride flag wishing they had burned American flag instead (Babylon Bee)

Around the Nation

  • Biden eases final fuel economy standards in light of slower electric vehicle adoption (Washington Examiner)

  • Arizona AG launches investigation into alleged “pay-to-play” scheme involving Katie Hobbs (The Federalist)

  • Just another Chicago weekend… At least 45 shot, eight fatally (WLS)

Around the World

  • The Right makes gains in EU elections, Germany and France reckon with political realignment (National Review)

  • Belgium’s prime minister abruptly resigns (RedState)

  • Iran OKs six candidates for presidential race, but again blocks Ahmadinejad (AP)

  • South Korea to restart “unbearable” loudspeaker broadcasts in response to North Korea’s sewage balloons (Sky News)

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