The Patriot Post® · We've Crossed the Legal Rubicon

By Roger Helle ·

The term “crossing the Rubicon” refers to Gen. Julius Cesar crossing the Rubicon, a stream in Northern Italy, in 49 BC, launching a civil war that eventually ended the Roman Republic. It basically means the “point of no return.”

America has crossed the “legal” Rubicon with the criminal conviction of former President Donald Trump. The case brought against Trump, according to legal and constitutional scholars Jonathan Turley (Georgetown University Law) and Alan Dershowitz (Harvard Law), is a Frankenstein monster of charges that had never before been cobbled together. There has never been a president criminally charged. Ever!

The case even left “legal experts” at CNN and MSNBC scratching their heads about what Trump was actually charged with. What would we do without the experts? The case was bogus from day one, brought about just a few months after Trump announced his candidacy for president. Go figure! The events took place years earlier.

Trump was charged with violating federal election laws … yet he was charged by a local DA in New York City, and the case was adjudicated in a local NYC courtroom. How did that happen?

I could go into great detail about all of the abuse of Trump’s rights during the trial. There was the prohibiting of testimony for the defense. For the prosecution, there was salacious testimony from a porn star followed by a serial perjurer. A judge who hated Trump blocked his lawyers’ objections but sided with the prosecution every time. This case will be appealed.

Here’s the most troubling fact. We’re seeing the abuse of the justice system like never before. The Left continually says, No one is above the law — except Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Lois Learner, and the list goes on.

This abuse is not just happening to Trump. Every lawyer working for Trump who was looking into election fraud in 2020 has had the justice system come after them for daring to defend Trump. State Bar Associations have sought to disbar any attorney who worked for President Trump.

We see the civil rights abuse that those at the Capitol on January 6 have had to endure. How about pro-life leaders and peaceful abortion clinic protesters who have been treated like terrorists? They’ve endured early morning raids with heavily armed federal agents. It’s scary to be on the wrong side of Biden’s Justice Department.

What will happen going forward if Biden wins reelection? The Justice Department will have four more years to come after American citizens who dare oppose Biden’s agenda. If the First Amendment goes, the Second Amendment will follow. Tyrants always love a disarmed citizenry.

Each election, we hear, This election is the most important ever! Because we have heard that for several decades now, too many people have been lulled to sleep thinking it’s the same old line. The reason each election is the most critical we’ve ever faced is that millions who failed to vote in the last election allowed the radicals to fill the void we abdicated to them.

Having said that, there are two reasons why all is not hopeless. First and most importantly, God is still on the throne, and He hears the prayers of His people. Second, the radicals have overplayed their hand by thinking that hatred for Trump would carry the day. To their disbelief, Trump bounces back each and every time.

So, pray and vote!
Semper Fidelis