The Patriot Post® · SPLC Adds 'Gays Against Groomers' to Its Hate List

By Emmy Griffin ·

Gays Against Groomers has been speaking out against the transgenderification of children. The organization is totally against drugging kids with hormones and convincing them to mutilate themselves in pursuit of the lie that they are the opposite gender. Gays Against Groomers believes that transgender activists are taking advantage of kids by taking them down extreme and harmful paths of more reality denial.

Well, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has decided that Gays Against Groomers has become loud and influential enough to add to its “hate map.” Also added to the map are doctors and nonprofits that are against the trans agenda.

The SPLC has a troubling depth of association with the Biden White House, seemingly acting as the chief smear campaigner against conservative groups that are standing up against this administration’s radical culture war agenda.

Team Biden and the transgender activists have been pushing the lie that people who disagree with their radical agenda are killing kids. As The Daily Signal’s Tyler O'Neal observes, “By warning about the ‘increase’ of ‘anti-LGBTQ+ hate groups,’ [the SPLC] is ratcheting up the alarmist rhetoric and demonizing Americans who dare to dissent from its transgender agenda. It’s also scaring donors into ponying up cash in what a former SPLC employee described as a ‘highly profitable scam.’”

Recall that the SPLC was behind the FBI witch hunt against conservative traditional Catholics who attend the Latin mass. It also labeled Moms for Liberty — which advocates for parental input in schools and fights against the intentional transgender grooming of children in the education system — a hate group.

Adding Gays Against Groomers to the hate map is interesting on three fronts.

One, it’s an example of the Left eating its own.

Two, it’s a clear illustration of the civil war going on within the Democrat Party. The intersectional coalition is fracturing. That fracture is between the radical leftists and the moderate/classical Democrats. The intersectional coalition’s interests and beliefs are too divergent to be united under the same banner for long.

Three, it shows a huge chink in the armor. The transgender ideology is completely antithetical to the gay, lesbian, and bisexual individuals’ insistence that being homosexual is inherent from birth. Transgenderism preaches that you can be a different gender or that you’re born in the wrong body — i.e., that you’re a mistake.

As our Nate Jackson wrote a few years ago: “By the way, we use the term ‘life choices’ because that’s exactly what’s going on here. The ‘born this way’ mantra of homosexuals is built on the smallest sliver of truth regarding innate traits or desires, but that is undermined by the ‘born the wrong way’ slogan of the ‘transgendered.’ And we don’t reject all of this celebration out of hate, as the Left alleges, but out of love of truth and compassion for the people lost to gender dysphoria of one sort or another, or manipulated by a movement bent on grooming new recruits.”

Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals who disagree with the new world order on sexual sin’s hierarchy of disorders are now on the hit list hate list. It’s yet another display of the Biden transgender agenda’s authoritarian reach through the SPLC.