The Patriot Post® · Israel's Hostage Rescue and the Left's Hideous Response

By Emmy Griffin ·

On Saturday, four Israeli hostages were rescued from two apartment buildings in Gaza. Nuseirat, where these apartment buildings were located, is ostensibly a refugee camp full of civilians. However, the apartment buildings were controlled by Hamas and full of terrorist operatives.

The rescue was a tricky operation. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) raid happened in broad daylight to heighten the element of surprise. They faced enemy gunfire so intense that even the liberated hostages feared they might not survive the rescue attempt. One of the Israeli commanders, Yamam Chief Inspector Arnon Zmora, suffered several gunshot wounds and died in a hospital hours later. He was the only Israeli casualty. Hamas losses were much higher.

Hamas, of course, claims that the death toll is 274 and mostly civilians. The IDF claims that the death toll is 100, possibly less, and those it killed were attacking Israeli troops. Hamas terrorists embed themselves in a civilian population. Moreover, many “civilians” are actually Hamas sympathizers and aren’t above trying to kill any Israeli they can.

Three of the four hostages were held in the home of a journalist who had written for Al Jazeera, though the media outlet says he was a freelancer, not an employee. The journalist, Abdallah Aljamal, wrote for the Palestine Chronicle and was a spokesperson for the Ministry of Labor, a Hamas-controlled entity.

The four rescued hostages were Almog Meir Jan (21), Noa Argamani (26), Andrey Kozlov (27), and Shlomi Ziv (40). All four were kidnapped on October 7 from the Supernova music festival. Kozlov and Ziv were working security at the venue while Jan and Agramani were festival attenders. They had been in captivity for eight months, and their families were overjoyed at their return.

Heartbreakingly, however, Jan’s father didn’t get to see his son returned to freedom. He passed away hours before news of Jan’s liberation reached the family. Jan’s father had been suffering greatly, and each subsequent hostage negotiation failure took a heavy toll on his health. He died of grief and his heart giving out.

This daring and brave rescue should have been an inspiring story for our news media to celebrate. Not so for the hacks controlling the leftist rags.

As The Wall Street Journal explains, “The non-surprise is that professional anti-Israel voices, United Nations officials and the European Union foreign-policy chief rushed to attack Israel.”

CNN had a chyron running that claimed the four hostages were “released.” This is particularly disgusting because Hamas had nothing to do with freeing anyone; the terrorists were holding these poor people prisoners.

A BBC reporter asked a former IDF spokesperson why the IDF hadn’t given Hamas any sort of warning so that the civilians could get out. To which the former spokesman replied that Hamas would have killed the hostages and defeated the purpose of the mission.

The Washington Post ran a story whose headline lamented the supposed deaths of the 200+ Palestinians as opposed to celebrating the liberation of the four hostages. The Post used Hamas’s Ministry of Health numbers, which are likely an inflated lie. It also failed to consider the larger issue at hand: These hostages were held among the civilian population. They were imprisoned in houses in communities that probably knew the hostages were there. It raises the question again as to what really is the difference between Hamas and the “civilians” living in Gaza.

The New York Times ran a headline also lamenting the Palestinian death toll and criticizing the Israeli government instead of supporting our allies and being grateful for a victory. To put it in Democrat terms, it would be akin to lamenting the death of 200 Russians and downplaying the rescue of four Ukrainian civilians.

Sadly, it wasn’t just the Leftmedia disgracing themselves with their morally corrupt conduct. The vice president and president also made questionable moves in response to the Israeli hostage liberation.

Kamala Harris was speaking to the Michigan Democrat Party, whose state has the largest Muslim/Arab population in the U.S. Harris said in her opening remarks, “Thankfully, four of those hostages were reunited with their families tonight. And we mourn all of the innocent lives that have been lost in Gaza, including those tragically killed today.” This is clearly pandering but also disgusting and tone-deaf.

Then, on Monday, NBC broke the news that the Biden administration is contemplating negotiating with Hamas for the remaining five American hostages remaining captive in Gaza. If successful, this action would put tremendous pressure on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire that is not in the best interest of the West or of putting a quick end to this war. There is also the question of what the Biden admin is willing to give in exchange for the hostages. What happened to the old American credo of not negotiating with terrorists?

The best responses to the Left’s moral blindness were from Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) and The Federalist senior editor David Harsanyi. Cotton said, “If Gazans don’t want their people killed in hostage rescue missions, they shouldn’t take hostages in the first place.” Similarly, Harsanyi quipped, “I find that one of the best ways to avoid being blown up is to refrain from keeping hostages in your house.”

This war was started by Hamas when they killed 1,200 innocents and kidnapped another 250. It could be over tomorrow if Hamas released the hostages and surrendered. However, Hamas’s goal is to eradicate Israel. Israel’s goal is to rescue the hostages and end Hamas as a security threat. Our slanderous Leftmedia and pandering White House are playing politics against our allies against our own interests. It’s a disgusting display of moral cowardice.