The Patriot Post® · Thursday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Non Compos Mentis

“I … hope that most Americans can understand the difference between a flag that symbolizes, you know, love and acceptance [rainbow flag] … and insurrectionist symbology [Appeal to Heaven flag].” —Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

Belly Laugh of the Day

“We are led by Joe Biden, who, in my lifetime, is the most religious president I can recall.” —"The View" co-host Ana Navarro

For the Record

“Remember, [Hunter Biden’s] prosecution took six years — and if [Special Counsel David] Weiss and the Biden Justice Department had had their way, it wouldn’t have happened at all.” —Andrew McCarthy

“Hunter was cheating on his taxes after he had gotten clean and remarried. I wonder how the media is going to make him a victim in the next trial.” —David Harsanyi

“Ashley Biden’s diary is real. Hunter Biden’s laptop is real. And they both show that Joe Biden’s crimes are real.” —Tim Young

Useful Idiots

“The brutal fact is that Palestinian terrorists have discovered that a simple costume change is all it takes to use the West’s own naive squeamishness against them, and until we wake up to this fact, we’re simply willing victims of their all-too-effective propaganda war. Time for us to remind ourselves what ‘civilian’ means. And if you’re holding hostages, you’re not a civilian.” —Ian Haworth

Political Futures

“Seven years ago, just over half of those surveyed said sex is determined at birth. Now, that number is nearly two-thirds. After all the White House proclamations, all the media talk, all the change in language to ‘gender neutral’ pronouns — after it all, the number of Americans rejecting the foundation of transgenderism has increased. … The ideology which the Biden administration has so energetically promoted might no longer be the political benefit the president thinks it is.” —Byron York

“By eliminating basic ballot-security safeguards and loosening voter-verification requirements, we’ve guaranteed greater fraud. But thanks to the Democrats, these are now the rules of the game, and Republicans can’t fix them unless they win some elections.” —Douglas Andrews

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