The Patriot Post® · Biden's Border Threat

By Gary Bauer ·

If you’re having trouble sleeping at night over what’s happening to our country, this won’t help.
Arrests were recently made in Los Angeles, New York City, and Philadelphia involving eight individuals from Tajikistan, which is situated along the borders of Afghanistan, Pakistan, communist China, and other “stan” nations of the former Soviet Union.
The population is estimated to be at least 95% Muslim, making the country a hotbed of radical Islamic terrorism.
One of the suspected terrorists reportedly used the Biden administration’s app to get into the United States. Supposedly, the app allows the government to better vet illegal aliens. The others were intercepted by the Border Patrol, supposedly vetted, and sent on their way.
However, U.S. officials eventually realized that all eight were likely connected to ISIS-K.
The FBI and other intelligence agencies suspect these eight illegal aliens were planning a terrorist attack, perhaps something like the horrific attack on the Moscow concert hall, which was carried out by ISIS-K. At least four terrorists involved in that attack were from Tajikistan.
How many times have we heard from Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Chuck Schumer that all the people pouring across the border are being vetted at the border?
That’s a lie! In many cases, there’s nothing to vet because not every country shares vital information with us.
But just to be clear, these men were not “gotaways.” They were so confident they could “game the system” that they didn’t even try to avoid being apprehended. And they were right. They were “processed” and allowed to enter the country.
As a reminder, we recently learned that hundreds of foreign nationals are regularly attempting to breach military facilities all over the United States. One recent attempt involved two Jordanian illegal aliens who tried to breach the gates at the Marine Corps base in Quantico, Virginia.
To me, this is very reminiscent of the days leading up to 9/11. Many people looked back and were horrified by all the signs we missed. In this case, no one has “missed” the threat created by Joe Biden’s open borders, especially not the terrorists.
Border security IS national security. But with “Open Borders Biden,” we have neither.