The Patriot Post® · He Can't Swim

By Gary Bauer ·

William “Lia” Thomas wanted to swim in the upcoming summer Olympics against women. But World Aquatics, the governing body for major water sports competitions, adopted a policy that bans men from competing in women’s swimming for the obvious reason — it’s not fair.
Thomas objected to the policy and appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport. This special sports court said, “No.” It’s a victory in a battle we shouldn’t have to fight, but we are thanks to the left’s increasing insanity. (Again, it’s the left, not the right, that is waging a culture war against America.)
Some media outlets are reporting that Thomas was banned from the Olympics. That’s not true.
William “Lia” Thomas has every right every other man has to compete against men and become competitive in men’s swimming. He has no right to make absurd claims about who or what he is and force women to race against him.
The fact that our elites embrace this insanity is a marker of just how much the neo-Marxist left is leading us off a cliff.
By the way, William Thomas, who was allowed by the NCAA to cheat his way to the top of women’s swimming, ranked — wait for it — 462nd in men’s swimming. He was at best just a “mediocre” male athlete. But by pretending to be a woman, he became the NCAA’s “women’s” national champion, breaking multiple records set by female swimmers in the process.
Now, to my friends at the New York Post, who do an outstanding job on so many issues, stop referring to “Lia” as “she” or “her.”
The Post also refers to the transgender shooter in Nashville, who killed three adults and three children, as “they.” There were no accomplices. Only one person, indoctrinated in transgender hate, went into the school.
This nonsense is not only morally wrong, it is grammatically wrong, too. Any news outlet that refers to a man as “she” or to a woman as “he” or to a single individual as “they” is part of the problem.
Stop drinking the Kool-Aid!
Stop encouraging this insanity!
Don’t let anyone force you to lie!