The Patriot Post® · Biden's Migrant Job Market

By Thomas Gallatin ·

Joe Biden and the Democrats seem confounded by the lack of positive reviews about what The New York Times calls a “historically strong jobs market.” Perhaps this has something to do with who’s getting these jobs.

A recent report from the Center for Immigration Studies found that only a fraction of the total new jobs created over the last four years have gone to native-born American citizens. According to the report, from May 2019 to May 2024, 917,000 jobs were added to the economy that went to U.S.-born citizens. Meanwhile, over that same time span, 3.2 million jobs went to noncitizens.

“It is true that the country has added millions of jobs since the height of Covid,” the report states. “However, most of that employment growth has gone to immigrants, both legal and illegal.”

A deeper dive into U.S. labor market data reveals that employment for prime working-age (25-54) American men is at near-record lows. Just 88.4% of all prime working-age American men are currently employed, and their labor force participation rate has continued a downward trend since 1960, when 96% of men were gainfully employed. The workforce number worsens for those with only a high school degree, with a labor participation rate of just 81.6%.

It’s a disaster.

Therefore, the notion that illegal immigration is needed to meet a high job demand in a diminishing workforce is not accurate. As CIS notes, “Advocates insist there are simply not enough workers without immigrants. This argument ignores the long-term deterioration in labor force participation among U.S.-born men.”

During Biden’s presidency, the foreign-born population living in the U.S. has ballooned to 51.6 million, including an increase of over five million since March 2022 alone.

Noting this odd distribution of new jobs in Joe Biden’s America, Donald Trump has pounced. Over the weekend, Trump was in Detroit, meeting with black voters who have become increasingly frustrated over mass illegal migration.

“They’re coming for your jobs, and it’s terrible,” Trump warned at a roundtable in inner-city Detroit. “The black community is being hurt most by illegal aliens. They’re coming into your communities, and they’re taking your jobs." Trump laid the blame, deservedly, on Biden for the fact that migrants are "pouring in at levels that nobody’s ever seen before, and we’re going to pay a big price.”

Echoing his 2016 platform, Trump promised, to much applause, “On day one of my new administration, we will begin the largest deportation operation in American history. We have no other choice. This is not sustainable.” Once again, this was the scene in the Motor City, a Democrat stronghold.

From an economic standpoint, no demographic group has been harder hit by Biden’s open border malfeasance than black Americans. This reality is being borne out in polls showing that while a majority of blacks still back Biden, his support in the community has weakened considerably. Meanwhile, Trump is seeing support within the black community nearly double from his 2020 numbers.

This is the reason, more than any other, why states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have become swing states and why Biden is now struggling to keep them in the fold.

Joe Biden’s “good economy” is due primarily to jobs going to migrants. And how much of the revenue generated from these 3.2 million jobs is actually being sent back to the home countries of these migrants? In a very real sense, migrants are plundering America’s resources, thanks to Biden’s open border.