The Patriot Post® · Who Made EVs a Political Issue?

By Thomas Gallatin ·

It has long been a tactic of Democrat politicians to push a controversial policy and then blame Republicans for politicizing the issue when they voice their objections to it. This is gaslighting the public.

The reason Democrats have a long history of playing this deceitful game is that it moves their agenda forward more effectively than being honest with the American people. And they often get away with it because much of the mainstream media has been more than willing to take their side and cover for them.

A recent example of this comes courtesy of The Washington Post. It’s no secret that Joe Biden has pushed an aggressive climate change agenda via his de facto electric vehicle mandate. While some folks love EVs, for the vast majority of Americans, these vehicles are simply too expensive and fail to meet their practical everyday needs.

Despite this reality, Biden has pushed his ridiculous climate change policies and justified them via faulty scientific claims that failure to embrace the climate cult will result in environmental disaster for the planet. Therefore, Biden, through his Environmental Protection Agency, has sought to limit the free market and force auto manufacturers to construct an all-EV future via harsh new emissions standards, thereby forcing Americans to buy EVs.

This “climate science” is not to be challenged. It has become the popular dogma of the day, and any who dare to point out the glaring scientific inconsistencies with the climate change narrative are effectively labeled “anti-science” heretics.

And make no mistake: Biden’s climate agenda is radical. It’s effectively cultish. This is a political issue for him and his administration, but his EV mandate is backfiring.

So, what do the scribes at The Washington Post do amid weak EV sales? Well, they blame Donald Trump, of course.

In an article titled “Electric vehicles emerge as flash point in 2024 election,” the Post laments that the issue has become so politicized and blames Trump and Republicans for making it so. “Donald Trump has made bashing EVs a cornerstone of his campaign,” they write, “effectively turning them into culture war fodder in an election year.” You can almost hear them gasp here: “Trump has vowed to roll back Biden’s electric vehicle efforts and warned ‘you’re not going to be able to sell those cars’ if he becomes president.”

Who made this political? Who is trying to force Americans to buy EVs? It’s not Trump. Furthermore, the notion that Trump would prevent someone from purchasing an EV if they wanted one, as the article implies, is intentionally misleading and disingenuous. When he says that automakers are “not going to be able to sell” EVs, he means that, without lavish taxpayer subsidies and mandates, EVs are unlikely to appeal to the masses.

Trump’s record in office was focused on deregulation and getting the federal government out of people’s lives. Trump trusts Americans to make their own purchasing decisions for themselves, not force some radical agenda upon them that seeks to control everything from what they buy to what they are allowed to read.

The truth is that Biden and the Democrats are the ones who have politicized EVs. If Biden had merely let the free market be free, allowing Americans to make the best decisions for themselves on the cars that work for them, then EVs would not be a political issue. If Biden had not sought to put his thumb on the scales with EV tax breaks and carbon-offset penalties for internal combustion vehicles, the average car would be cheaper today. In addition, EV technology and consumer buy-in would have been allowed to develop at a natural rate.

Furthermore, it would have saved American taxpayers billions of dollars wasted on an EV industry that continues to struggle. Indeed, in many ways, the only reason it is “succeeding” is thanks to government subsidies. Even then, companies like California-based EV maker Fisker are failing and filing for bankruptcy protection.

The bottom line is that The Washington Post is gaslighting. It is embracing the same climate cult agenda as the Biden administration, and it seeks to characterize any opposition to this radical agenda as “backward,” “antiquated,” and “non-scientific.” And in doing so, the Post has joined the Democrats in politicizing EVs.