The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·


“President Biden has done a lot to lower prices.” —Biden campaign spokeswoman Adrienne Elrod

The BIG Lie

“[Trump] also made it very clear … that if he doesn’t win this election, there will be a bloodbath. … He said that in his own words. … It’s also a statement of fact.” —Adrienne Elrod


“I’m concerned about the safety of so many people in this country, particularly people of color. … [Trump supporters] are taking him up on his threats even before the elections take place. And so it’s about thousands, maybe millions of people, you know, being threatened and being at risk because of Donald Trump and his desire to wreak revenge on anything and everybody.” —Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA)

Unreal Spin

“Infant mortality rate rose 8% in wake of Texas abortion ban, study shows.” —Associated Press (Meanwhile, the mortality rate for abortions is 100%.)

Hot Air

“[We] created this wonderful quality of life for so many people by burning ancient carbon, ancient swamps, coal, oil, gas. We just got to stop doing that.” —Bill Nye

Praetorian Guard

“One would think that given the damage the Hunter Biden laptop fiasco did to the press’s already lower-than-dirt credibility, reporters would be loath, or at least slow, to embrace White House-approved election-year spin. … However, one would be wrong.” —Becket Adams

“Progressive activists are literally hunting for Jews street by street in LA and the Democrats on MSNBC insist Trump is the second coming of Hitler.” —Erick Erickson

Double Standards

“Everywhere he goes, Joe Biden tells the radical LGBTQ crowd that he ‘has their back.’ But he couldn’t care less about Americans murdered by his illegal migrants.” —Gary Bauer

For the Record

“Americans don’t want a world ruled by China, but most are completely oblivious to the strong possibility that such is in our near future.” —Brent Ramsey

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