The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Praetorian Guard

“The killing of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston has become the latest crime seized on by Republicans to attack President Biden over his immigration policies.” —The New York Times

The BIG Lies

“[The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act] resulted in an enormous increase in the deficit. … I think it’s responsible for many of the problems that we face now with our fiscal trajectory.” —Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen

“Better to let all the Trump tax cuts expire than be accomplices to another slash-and-burn tax bonanza for America’s billionaires.” —Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)

“There were grocery things that were up — it has gone down.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Braying Jenny

“I think they’ve gone rogue.” —Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on the Supreme Court

For the Record

“[Julian] Assange and his operation are hostile actors who collaborate with clandestine agents, rogue regimes, and sundry hackers to damage the United States.” —National Review

“It’s perhaps too much to ask that American journalists display a modicum of patriotism, but it’s not a big ask to demand that they observe the laws meant to keep America’s men and women in uniform safe. We should certainly expect the executor of America’s laws in the White House to mete out justice on behalf of the U.S. soldiers and their assets all over the globe who were harmed by Assange’s conduct. Alas, those expectations are apparently far too high.” —Noah Rothman

Double Standards

“Progressives would never countenance painting a Christian cross on a public crosswalk. But what makes one group’s symbol of pride different from another’s symbol of love? What gives the LGBTQ community a right to an official presence in public that’s denied to religious believers? … If liberals want to separate church and state, they have to acknowledge that the same principle separates sexuality and state.” —Daniel McCarthy

And Last…

“Hating/despising Trump isn’t Trump Derangement Syndrome. There are many just causes to loathe him. Trump Derangement Syndrome is letting your Trump-hatred change what you believe, disable your critical faculties, & render you unable to see anything outside the lens of DJT.” —Dan McLaughlin

“When it comes to extremism, no one holds a candle to the Biden/Harris regime. They are in a category all by themselves.” —Gary Bauer