The Patriot Post® · Leftmedia in Full-Blown Panic

By Political Editors ·

Our Douglas Andrews thoroughly covered last night’s presidential debate here, but we thought it would be illustrative to show how the Leftmedia reacted.

“Biden’s disastrous debate pitches his reelection bid into crisis” —CNN

“A Fumbling Performance, and a Panicking Party” —The New York Times

“Democrats panic over Biden’s debate performance, doubt his future” —The Washington Post

“‘WTF’: Panicked Dems start looking for alternatives to Biden” —Politico

“Democrats scramble to limit damage after Biden’s wobbly debate showing against Trump” —Reuters

“Some Democrats start calling for Biden to step aside and ‘throw in the towel’ on 2024” —NBC News

“Biden debate performance is ‘nightmare’ for Democrats” —The Hill

“Biden’s biggest weakness — his age — on full display at debate” —ABC News

“Joe Biden’s Chances of Winning Election Plummet After Debate” —Newsweek

“Debate-watchers in the Biden and Trump camps seem to agree on something: Biden had a bad night” —Associated Press

“Joe Biden should save his legacy by ending his candidacy” —Vox

“Democrats Privately Discuss Replacing Biden on Presidential Ticket” —The Wall Street Journal