The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Friendly Fire

“I represent the heart of a congressional district once represented by Lyndon Johnson. Under very different circumstances, he made the painful decision to withdraw. President Biden should do the same.” —Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-TX)

A Blind Squirrel Finds a Nut

“There is a pattern, discernible pattern of Democratic officials seemingly trying to convince you, the public, to not believe what you saw and what you heard with your eyes and with your ears on Thursday night.” —CNN’s Jake Tapper

Belly Laughs of the Day

“Joe Biden … is the strongest, most accomplished president we’ve had in my lifetime.” —Senator Chris Coons (D-DE)

“What I’ve heard from all the other elected officials I’ve talked to is they have confidence in Joe Biden. They think he’s our strongest candidate.” —Sen. Chris Coons

For the Record

“If Joe Biden isn’t fit to run for re-election, he’s not fit to finish out this term either.” —Erick Erickson

The BIG Lie

“I will respect the limits of presidential powers that I have for three and a half years. But any president, including Donald Trump, will now be free to ignore the law.” —Joe Biden

Non Compos Mentis

“When [Trump] uses his official powers in any way, under the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution. … Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.” —Justice Sonia Sotomayor

“I guess, you know, theoretically, President Biden, acting within the scope of his official duties, could dispatch the military to take out the conservative justices on the Court, and he’d be immune.” —Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)

“Supreme Court Gives Joe Biden The Legal OK To Assassinate Donald Trump.” —HuffPost headline

“Make no mistake, with the guardrails gone, a reelected President Trump would label everything he did — no matter how partisan, extreme, or overtly criminal — ‘official,’ and based on this ruling, he’d get away with it. With the radical Supreme Court majority firmly behind him, Donald Trump continues marching toward becoming Dictator-in-Chief.” —Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI)

“Two [SCOTUS] members are insurrectionists. … They are kings, and Trump is king. You put him in the White House, combine with this Court and a Republican House and Senate, we’re done, y'all. All the rights that were won in the 20th century — the hard-earned rights of women, laborers, workers, the rights of children (remember, child labor used to be legal), the rights of black folks — forget that. The rights of non-white immigrants — forget that. [T]hey are trying to repeal the entire 20th century, and they’re doing it fast.” —MSNBC’s Joy Reid

Hot Air

“Ignoring climate change is deadly and dangerous and irresponsible.” —Joe Biden


“Look, I know that food prices are up. I go to the grocery store when I’m in Wilmington. And I raised three kids, and did the food shopping for how many years before we got to this job? It’s not like I don’t know.” —Jill Biden