The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

The BIG Lie

“Justice Sotomayor warned us in her dissent that, based on the majority decision, Trump could take out his opponents, take bribes, and lead a coup while president — and be immune to being held accountable. He really could become the dictator that he promised to be on day one.” —Joe Biden


“I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work. I’m staying in the race, and I will beat Donald Trump.” —Joe Biden

Non Compos Mentis

“I’ll beat Donald Trump. I will beat him again in 2020. Oh, by the way, we’re going to do it again in 2024.” —Joe Biden

“I’m proud to be … the first vice president, first black woman, to serve with a black president.” —Joe Biden

“I’m the first president that got elected statewide in the state of Delaware when I was a kid.” —Joe Biden

Belly Laughs of the Day

“Biden at 81: Often sharp and focused but sometimes confused and forgetful.” —Associated Press headline

“[Biden] will restore our faith and confidence in his fitness.” —Congressman Dan Goldman (D-NY)

Re: The Leftmedia

“What was democracy-corroding MAGA misinformation only a couple of weeks ago has miraculously been transformed into the accepted narrative of virtually the entire political media. It is an act of preternatural shamelessness on their part. … They all knew exactly what was going on. They’ve known from the time they insulated him during the 2020 campaign. Indeed, now the media is just doing the bidding of Democrats who want to remove the president to beat Donald Trump. Nothing has changed.” —David Harsanyi

“Claims of surprise and astonishment about Biden’s mental and physical state are pure posturing by the politicians and media elites. … Declare your independence from information manipulation and start questioning what you’re being told. The truth is there — and increasingly obvious — if you’re just willing to see it.” —Laura Hollis

Political Futures

“Joe Biden is in a probationary period right now with his own party. I’d guess he has a week or two at most to turn something around. After that, he’s gonna feel the full wrath of The System. And his dreams of running again will not survive that. Democrats play for keeps.” —Jesse Kelly

“Many officials regard themselves as indispensable and are certain that no one can possibly do their job as well as they can. They cannot imagine relinquishing power voluntarily, addicted as they are to the perquisites of their office and the deference shown to them by mere mortals. … It is a paradox of democratic politics that only those willing to walk away from power deserve to be entrusted with it in the first place.” —Jeff Jacoby

For the Record

“It is said that prostitution is the world's oldest profession, but politics is assuredly the dirtiest — filthier even than garbageman, mortician or, well, the world’s oldest profession itself.” —Josh Hammer


“If all men are created equal, that is final. If they are endowed with inalienable rights, that is final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, that is final. No advance, no progress can be made beyond these propositions.” —President Calvin Coolidge on the 150th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence