The Patriot Post® · Reader Comments

By Political Editors ·

Publisher’s Note: We receive hundreds of comments and can only select a few to publish in our Tuesday and Thursday “Reader Comments” section. Every article we post has social media links to start a conversation online and a “Comment” button to send a comment to our editors.

Re: Monday: Below the Fold

“The question about Hunter’s presence in campaign strategy meetings overlooks the elephant — or, more appropriately, the jackass — in the room. With Hunter’s conviction on federal gun charges and his upcoming tax evasion trial in California, Joe can’t step down until he gets a guarantee to commute Hunter’s impending sentence for the gun conviction or until he can pardon him if convicted in California. And there’s always the danger that the tax evasion trial will expose Biden Inc.‘s money laundering. So, Biden can’t or won’t quit until he gets the deals he needs.” —New Mexico

“I wouldn’t want to encourage collusion, but the Left needs to get its story straight. On the one hand, you have leftists’ ever-increasing enthusiasm for ‘hate crime’ laws that not only prosecute crime but seek to criminalize the motivation for crimes should the victim be of a preferred demographic. On the other hand, if the victims are straight white Christians, even (or especially) if targeted specifically for that reason, a mass murderer’s motives can be blocked indefinitely or even ‘copyrighted’ in order to prevent the public from knowing. It’s hard to explain such a discrepancy as anything other than a justiciar profession that no longer sees evenhandedness as a virtue. Two-tiered justice is INJUSTICE.” —Georgia

“I know some very nice middle-class folks who possibly have a trend-setting idea. The purpose of a wedding feast is to introduce the wedded couple as man and wife. The feast is to invite ‘prosperity’ for the couple. With today’s economy? Good luck. So, new trend: Stage a potluck dinner with each family providing enough to feed themselves — then share it all with others. You’ll have food left over, the community will meet the couple, good wishes will be exchanged, and, best of all, no one will have to go into debt.” —Texas

“Boy, this is surely accurate: ‘Given how Newsom and the Golden State’s Democrat lawmakers have squandered the state’s $100 billion surplus in just a couple of years, it would seem that these spendthrifts should be required to take a course in financial literacy themselves. And when will the United States Congress be required to pass a financial literacy course?’ My view is that any sitting elected representative that cannot pass such a course should be immediately removed from office.” —California

“Technology must succeed on its own merits. Forcing compliance with an unwanted technology disparages the technology and the people it is being forced upon. This is the third fail for EVs dating back over 120 years. Climate change is on its 5th course of the 10-year ‘end of the world’ threat. When will everyone give up the ghost on that lie?” —Idaho

Re: Leftmedia Hacks Admit to Lying About Biden’s Decline

“The very fact that the Left is willing to destroy YOUR nation for its own political gain should be a warning to every American. I’m 80. In my lifetime, the Democrat Party went from being an America-supporting organization (JFK, RFK) to the most racist, divisive, anti-American, slave-embracing political organization since it sponsored slavery and the KKK. If you don’t learn history, you are doomed to repeat it. And in many cases, just plain DOOMED.” —California

“I’ve said this before: DO NOT wish for the removal of Biden from office. I’m confident we do not — under any circumstance — want Kamala Harris in the White House. Better to have an old man in declining health than a total dunce who has the energy to do massive damage. We must depend on Congress and the Supreme Court to keep Joe from doing anything completely idiotic until January 20. I have to suppose that there is no way he will be reelected, so either we get another four years of The Donald (which would PROBABLY be a big improvement), or another Democrat who will (hopefully) at least be playing with a full deck.” —Florida

Re: Kamala to the Rescue?

“Not so sure ‘virtually every other Democrat’ would be as ‘unburdened by what has been’ as VP Harris thinks she might be. Realistically, she is no more electable than tired Joe. In fact, she would be even more dangerous and detrimental to our nation’s future. Though some may envision her as presidential, the thought of her as our nation’s commander-in-chief is beyond all comprehension.” —Florida

Re: Curious George Helps Clarify Things

“I thought it was Trump who would refuse to leave the White House. Richard Nixon was the most hated politician in the history of the country but chose not to challenge the election fraud of 1960 for the good of the country and also resigned instead of fighting for the good of the country. Joe Biden couldn’t care less about the country because he wants to destroy it.” —Minnesota

Re: Britain Moves Left

“This is a warning for America’s Republican Party. On some key initiatives, it failed to get enough support to overcome the opposition of Senate Democrats when it had the nominal majority from 2017-2018, so disgusted conservative voters stayed home and let the Democrats win Congress despite the passage of tax cuts and regulatory reforms. This had dire implications for the nation, including two trumped-up impeachments and delays that prevented completion of the border wall before 2021. Should Republicans win Congress and the presidency, they cannot do business as usual. They must enact a bold chainsaw-pruning of the federal government and devise a real plan to pay off the national debt. The nation can’t afford another round of leftism.” —Minnesota