The Patriot Post® · Wednesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

The BIG Lies

“How do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when a president says things like he says? Do you just not say anything ‘cause it may incite somebody? Look, I have not engaged in that rhetoric. Now, my opponent has engaged in that rhetoric. Talks about there’d be a bloodbath if he loses.” —Joe Biden

“I had an independent prosecutor look at me. … There were, like, 10, 12 agents in my house for nine hours unaccompanied going through every single thing I had. … And they looked at me and concluded I didn’t do a damn thing wrong.” —Joe Biden

Delusions of Grandeur

“You have the most successful presidency of any president in modern history, maybe since Franklin Roosevelt.” —Joe Biden

Grand Delusions

“My mental acuity’s been pretty damn good.” —Joe Biden

“What I’m doing is going out and demonstrating to the American people that I have command of all my faculties.” —Joe Biden

Non Compos Mentis

“[Secret Service] were ready to give their lives for [Trump]. The question is should they have anticipated what happened. Should they have done what they needed to do to prevent this from happening? That’s … an open question.” —Joe Biden

“Oh, I’ve heard from him.” —Joe Biden regarding the female Secret Service director


“I think the justices that [Trump] appointed … seem out of touch with what the founders intended.” —Joe Biden

“Why don’t you guys ever talk about … the 28 lies [Trump] told? … Why doesn’t the press ever talk about that? Twenty-eight times, it’s confirmed, he lied in that debate.” —Joe Biden


“I’m sending a clear message to corporate landlords: If you raise rents more than 5%, you should lose valuable tax breaks.” —Joe Biden

Chicken Little

“J.D. Vance is an ideological nationalist. That’s a much more dangerous virus.” —CNN’s Van Jones

For the Record

“We are effectively run in this country, via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made, and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.” —J.D. Vance, 2021

“Joe Biden has been in government longer than J.D. Vance has been alive.” —journalist Lydia Moynihan

Stranger Than Fiction

“There’s a bit of a theory in law enforcement — is it possible that Donald Trump was not conservative enough for this [would-be assassin]?” —NBC News’s Tom Winter

The Bottom Line

“The media are shameless liars who throw around Adolf Hitler’s name like a vapid and meaningless schoolyard insult with no concern for its historic and emotive weight. They may not have pulled the trigger, but the legacy media planted the seed of hate and fueled the act of violence we saw this weekend.” —Ian Haworth

“The President of the United States won’t even suspend, let alone fire, the head of the Secret Service after an assassination attempt on his rival. Government competence cannot improve if job security for incompetence is guaranteed. Biden never fired anyone, including after the incompetence in Afghanistan.” —Erick Erickson


“Popular culture denigrates masculinity. In one moment, Corey Comperatore showed why it’s so important. … No one questions why Comperatore shielded his wife and daughter, instead of trying to save himself. He did it because he was a man. A man’s job is to protect those he loves — even if it costs him his life.” —Victor Joecks

And Last…

“Division helps fundraising and while people claim they hate the divisive language, it has a track record of turning out voters. … Unity is going to take more than statements and 'thoughts and prayers’ to bring us together. It requires action by all of us.” —Cal Thomas

“None of us will be safe for much longer if Americans cannot relearn how to disagree without despising each other.” —Jeff Jacoby