The Patriot Post® · Secret Service Is Not the Place for Women

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

By God’s grace, former President Donald J. Trump survived an assassination attempt, and there is no denying that a political shift took place. Discussions have also taken place regarding Trump’s Secret Service team’s failures. Particularly, some noticed the reactions (or lack of action) from the female Secret Service agents.

To be clear, there are many jobs that women do just as well as men, if not better, but the Secret Service may not be one of them. A video showing the female Secret Service agents scrambling to do their job immediately after the rally shooting has gone viral. It’s sad and demonstrates the realities of women in jobs that are not meant for them.

There are real biological differences between men and women. Men are physically stronger, with larger physiques to manage high-stress situations. Women have smaller physiques and are biologically wired to nurture and fiercely protect their babies. Both sexes complement each other and are meant to thrive together. This reality has been understood since the beginning of time, but it has been dismantled by the feminist movement.

The feminist movement has led women to believe that they can do anything a man can do and that they should occupy any place a man does. Not only is this a lie, but it is also a tragedy.

Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. However, what happened this weekend to our former president was not that.

Knowing the Biden administration’s obsession with DEI, it’s not surprising to learn that the leader of today’s Secret Service is a woman who is committed to having 30% of agents be women. This means that highly qualified men will be overlooked to fulfill roles that are meant to keep our president and other high-profile elected officials safe.

Not only should we be concerned with the blatant discrimination based on one’s sex, but feminists should also be up in arms that women are being placed as shields to protect the so-called patriarchy. But of course, their ideology is a farce, so feminists won’t put those pieces together.

What should now be discussed are the drawbacks of having women as Secret Service agents. We saw how close our former president was to losing his life. Now, it’s not fair to place all the blame on the female agents, but we should not see Secret Service agents fumble to hold their weapons or spin around looking for direction as we did this past weekend. I am also not suggesting that the Secret Service shouldn’t hire any women at all, but having them on the front lines is not the best place for them.

As much as I admire and respect former President Trump, women should not be expected to take a bullet for a man. Women should not be expected to protect men when it is men who should protect women.

Thankfully, after Trump’s near-death experience, his security team has changed. As he was introduced at the Republican National Convention, we saw his security team consist of large, physically strong men — as it should have always been.