The Patriot Post® · Tuesday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Delusions of Grandeur

“Thanks to the leadership of President Joe Biden and his partnership with Vice President Kamala Harris, they were able to rescue the country from a once-in-a-century pandemic. … They were able to save the economy … and set us on a positive path so that everyday Americans could thrive. … Dignity and decency and a democratic way of life was restored.” —House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY)

“President Joe Biden is a heroic, patriotic, and transformational figure. And he will go down in history as one of the greatest public servants of all time.” —Rep. Hakeem Jeffries

“President Joe Biden is a patriotic American who has always put our country first. His legacy of vision, values and leadership make him one of the most consequential Presidents in American history. … God blessed America with Joe Biden’s greatness and goodness.” —Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

“President Biden will go down in history as one of our greatest Presidents. Accomplishing more in 4 years than many accomplished in 8 years. He is also an honorable man. A decent man. And a person who has always put the country first.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

“Joe Biden’s legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history.” —Kamala Harris

For the Record

“One day, Biden is sharp as a tack. The best president since Franklin D. Roosevelt. But one bad debate, and suddenly every Democrat is saying, ‘Joe has to go. He just doesn’t have what it takes.’ What irony! Those claiming to be protecting democracy are now engaged in a palace coup.” —Gary Bauer

“[Kamala Harris] has put party above country, and she is as unfit in character as Joe Biden is in body and mind.” —Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX)

Friendly Fire

“Choosing Ms. Harris would be a reasonable path for Democrats to take. … Nonetheless, party delegates should have a voice in a decision of this consequence. There are other qualified Democrats who could take on Mr. Trump and win, and picking a candidate without a real contest is how the party got into a position of anointing a standard-bearer that large majorities of Democrats and independents had profound concerns about.” —New York Times editorial board


“In the days following the attempted assassination of former President Trump, some people have made public statements questioning the presence of women in law enforcement, including in the United States Secret Service. These assertions are baseless and insulting.” —Department of Homeland Security


“Our common associations — a common language, history, culture and land — matter a great deal, and acknowledging as much isn’t quasi-fascism. … If ideas and institutions are all that count, we should love the countries of the G-7 — fellow advanced liberal democracies — as much as the United States, and be just as comfortable living in those countries as we are here. Most of us don’t and aren’t, because the United States … is our home.” —Rich Lowry