The Patriot Post® · Monday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Keen Sense of the Obvious

“Speculation Swirls About What Hit Trump. An Analysis Suggests It was a Bullet.” —The New York Times

Yellow Journalism

“Omer Neutra has been missing since the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. When his parents speak publicly, they don’t talk about Israel’s assault on Gaza that has killed over 38,000 Palestinians.” —The Washington Post


“Trump’s Massive Deportation Plan Echoes Concentration Camp History.” —author Andrea Pitzer


“[Biden] has placed the national interest above his own pride and ambition.” —The New York Times editorial board

“If he was interested in ‘the national interest,’ he would never have run in 2020.” —Mark Alexander

“The Paris Olympics [began] on July 26, and Democrats are ready. They’ve been performing mental gymnastics for the last month. The party and its media allies deserve medals in political contortion. In the space of a few weeks, they’ve gone from saying that Joe Biden is the next FDR, to Biden is fine, how dare you question his age, to Biden is incapable of serving a second term, to Biden is a stubborn old man who will sink the party, to Biden is a demigod whose selflessness will be recalled for centuries. Keeping up with the changing party line is exhausting.” —Matthew Continetti

“Biden made the much-anticipated announcement [to drop out] not with a solemn Oval Office address — that came three days later, and he didn’t even explain his decision. Rather, he issued a bedridden tweet — from a personal, not even official, account. It’s the equivalent of divorcing your wife over text message.” —Josh Hammer

And Last…

“With some hard work, pluck, the right boyfriend and a bit of genetic luck, Kamala Harris has found her way onto the presidential ballot without having to secure a single primary vote. Don’t tell me the American Dream is dead.” —David Harsanyi