The Patriot Post® · The 'Ballerina Farm' Hit Piece

By Scarlen Valderaz ·

The UK’s The Times interview1 with social media influencer Hannah Neeleman, also known as Ballerina Farm, went viral for many reasons depending on what side of feminism you are on. Feminists were quick to deem Hannah as oppressed and beholden to her husband’s desired lifestyle.

The author of the article, Megan Agnew, tries to be neutral but is ultimately unsuccessful. Instead of getting the scoop on how Hannah really feels, she inevitably tells her audience how she feels about the Neelemans’ lifestyle.

Agnew complains about not getting the opportunity to interview Hannah alone because she is tending to her eight children. She describes Hannah’s husband, Daniel, as an “all-American steak guy” and goes on to state that Hannah’s baby “will not leave [her] chest for the four hours we’re together.”

What baffles Agnew the most is that Hannah left a successful career as a ballerina to become a dedicated wife and mother. Hannah describes the sacrifices that both she and her husband made to live their desired lifestyle.

Agnew writes, “I look out at the vastness and don’t totally agree. Daniel wanted to live in the great western wilds, so they did; he wanted to farm, so they do; he likes date nights once a week, so they go (they have a babysitter on those evenings); he didn’t want nannies in the house, so there aren’t any. The only space earmarked to be Neeleman’s own — a small barn she wanted to convert into a ballet studio — ended up becoming the kids’ schoolroom.”

Agnew seems to imply that Hannah has sacrificed the most because she left a successful career to live out her husband’s dreams. This is a common belief that feminists hold. They ignore the sacrifices that men make to provide and care for their families and portray the wives as the victims who sacrifice more.

Throughout the article, Agnew continues to portray Daniel as a husband who imposes his beliefs on his wife and doesn’t let her speak for herself. This is made clear when she writes, “I can’t, it seems, get an answer out of Neeleman without her being corrected, interrupted or answered for by either her husband or a child. Usually, I am doing battle with steely Hollywood publicists; today I am up against an army of toddlers who all want their mum and a husband who thinks he knows better.”

While the article goes into other details, such as Hannah’s decision to have unmedicated, physiological births and her stance on birth control and abortion, the author gives us plenty to discuss already.

To feminists, the idea that a woman will leave her career to fully embrace motherhood is not only foreign but dangerous because women have been indoctrinated to believe that breaking the glass ceiling is more fulfilling than raising children. Feminists have also been indoctrinated into believing that any man who has a vision for his family’s lifestyle is oppressing his wife and beholding her to the patriarchy.

Fortunately, though, many women are waking up to the lies they have been sold by feminism.

Podcaster Ellen Fischer’s most recent episode2 is about women who awakened from the feminist deception of careerism; women who built an empire but now long to leave it all behind to dedicate themselves to motherhood and homemaking.

Fischer speaks about her own journey and asks Suzanne Venker for advice on how to leave it all behind. The truth is that most mothers don’t want to be a “girl boss,” they don’t care to climb the corporate ladder, and they really just want to give their all to motherhood. But in a culture where feminism is worshipped, these mothers are shamed for wanting to stay at home.

Women are told that their knowledge and skills are better served at a computer in a cubicle than at home with their children.

This is how Megan Agnew feels about Hannah Neeleman and her beautiful family. She cannot fathom why a beautiful mother like Hannah would leave the world of professional dance behind to put her soul into motherhood. But it doesn’t have to be like this.

Thankfully, women are waking up to the lies feminism once made them believe.
