The Patriot Post® · White Dudes for Kamala?

By Samantha Koch ·

Reflecting on the unprecedented insanity that played out during the last presidential election, many have probably wondered what the next go-round will look like. Leading up to our next visit to the ballot box, it feels necessary to brace for a repeat of the destruction and mayhem that lasted through, and far beyond, the last election cycle, as tensions between the two parties have reached new heights since then.

Surprisingly, while most of us were expecting Round 2 of riots and chaos — after all, those activities have simply become a way of life in most Democrat cities across the country in recent years and are therefore not as shocking to witness today — the tactic that the Left has chosen to inspire a new base of voters to cast their support for their unelected candidate, Kamala Harris, is to be as cringy as humanly possible. Since “cringy” is a deeply rooted personality trait of Harris herself, this direction is less than surprising.

Despite being just a couple of weeks into her non-nomination as the candidate for the Democrats, this strange campaign strategy has already gifted the Internet with enough meme material to help us all cope with the inevitably rough road ahead.

While there are many examples to choose from that demonstrate this bizarre approach to securing the presidency, one in particular that has offered extreme secondhand embarrassment is the “White Dudes for Kamala” Zoom call that took place on Monday.

The goal of the online event was to open the floor to “white men who wanted to advertise the fact that they have chosen to vote for Vice President Kamala Harris,” according to Charlie Kirk.

This may have also been an attempt to win back the white majority, whom the Left now needs to find a way to be “inclusive” of without sacrificing all of the work its done to sow victimhood into its non-white voters. The method of doing so was to have the white attendees acknowledge their “privilege” and recognize that their only role is to encourage support for Harris in order to save non-white communities.

Or something like that.

Amongst those who received and accepted the invitation to attend were actors Jeff “Big Lebowski” Bridges, Sean Astin, and Josh Gad; boy-band singer Lance Bass; and far-left politicians Pete Buttigieg and Adam Schiff. Though they all seemed to feel that their presence was an act of bravery toward “saving democracy,” the meeting received immense criticism and mockery from everyone else who caught clips of the awkward conference on social media.

An accurate report of the virtual discussion described the topics covered by the groups as “plenty of cringe-worthy highlights (lowlights?) such as reflections of their white privilege, observations about the ‘rainbow beige’ people on the call, and promises to be ‘educated’ by ‘marginalized communities.’”

Bridges opened his speaking time with the groundbreaking statement, “I’m white, I’m a dude, and I’m for Harris.” The next 60 seconds were spent repeatedly attesting to his whiteness, while he seemed to be genuinely surprised at the chance to interact with a black man online (addressing an off-screen, non-white attendee).

For his time, Astin encouraged the male audience to share their feelings, while pointing to what he feels are Kamala Harris’s best attributes — her smile, her dance, and her laugh. It seems as though the personality bar has been set shockingly low for Astin, as these are notably the exact traits that have caused most of the country to withhold their support of Harris (aside from her atrocious, communist policy ideas). While smiling, dancing, and laughing are generally attractive qualities in a person, if deep-rooted insincerity underpins these actions, the gestures will fail across the board.

On a more serious note, as California Congressman Schiff teared up at the idea of electing an “incredible woman” as the next president of the United States, he also slipped in the goal to “reform the Supreme Court,” promising to make it happen within the first four months of the Harris administration.

And while there is plenty to laugh at in the face of such absurdity, the ideology that has driven too many Americans to accept racial segregation for themselves and be forced into a dangerous political movement as a result is no laughing matter.

The continued objective of the Left to either blame or elevate people, depending on the level of melanin in their skin, and the actions of historical American figures that have a similar appearance is, explains journalist Brad Polumbo, “a deeply immoral act rooted in an evil premise: collective guilt. While the consequences and outcomes are nowhere near on the same scale, of course, the same evil basis underlies Democratic white identity politics.”

The individuals who participate in these tactics are either the puppets or puppeteers, being led on stage to influence the audience to make significant decisions based on insignificant factors.