The Patriot Post® · Erasing History

By Gary Bauer ·

Soviet dictators were notorious for “airbrushing” their political enemies out of photos and, thereby, erasing history. The neo-Marxists who control Big Tech are following Stalin’s example.
Many people have noticed that when they used Google’s search engine to look up information about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, they got a lot of links to Reagan’s assassination attempt, Gerald Ford’s assassination attempt, and Harry Truman’s assassination attempt, but nothing about Donald Trump.
Type in “President Donald,” and Google gives you “President Donald Duck.”
Facebook blocked the iconic image of Trump with blood on his face and the American flag behind him, raising his fist in defiance. But doctored photos showing Trump and his Secret Service agents smiling were everywhere.
The artificial intelligence chatbots, like ChatGPT and Meta AI, are no better. ChatGPT initially said that there is “no verified information or evidence” of an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
When Meta AI was asked about the Trump assassination attempt, it said, “I can’t assist with that. I don’t always have the most up-to-date information.” But it had a lot of information on Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.
For the record, the attempt on Trump’s life occurred on July 13th — a week before Biden dropped out of the presidential race and Harris launched her campaign.
I’ve seen some commentators laughing about all of this, dismissing it as “glitches” in new technology. These are not glitches. They only go in one direction — they always smash us and advance the left’s agenda.
It’s no coincidence that the employees of Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple were top donors to Joe Biden’s campaign.
The left-wing ideologues who dominate Big Tech are rewriting American history right before our eyes.  They’ve been doing this for decades, just more subtly.  
The Reagan years were a time of great economic growth. Reagan inherited what Joe Biden lies about when he says he inherited a bad economy. Reagan really did inherit Jimmy Carter’s economic disaster. And he turned it around. He rebuilt the American military and brought down the Soviet Union.
But today, our children are taught that Ronald Reagan presided over a decade of greed, while life was miserable for working-class Americans. As a result, most children don’t know anything about Reagan. He’s just another dead white man, like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, who didn’t do anything good because they were evil.