The Patriot Post® · Friday Short Cuts

By Jordan Candler ·

Non Compos Mentis

“Why didn’t he do it when he was president?” —Joe Biden when asked, “President Trump has said repeatedly that he could’ve gotten the hostages out without giving anything in exchange. What do you say to that?” (“Two of the three Americans were wrongfully detained during Biden’s presidency.” —RNC)

Lack of Self-Awareness Awards

“[Trump] will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, they will round up peaceful protestors … and even, quote, ‘terminate’ the United States Constitution.” —Kamala Harris

“The American people deserve a leader who tells the truth; a leader who does not respond with hostility and anger when confronted with the facts. We deserve a leader who understands that our differences do not divide us.” —Kamala Harris

“Real leaders do not tear people down. They don’t question someone’s identity.” —White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Useful Idiots

“Tough-talking Haniyeh was seen as the more moderate face of Hamas.” —Reuters


“Women’s freedom is Exhibit A after Donald Trump demolished the right to choose. But of course, men are also more free in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like access to abortion care.” —Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg

“Pete Buttigieg says that men are freer when abortion is legal because men can have consequence free sex and simply kill their unborn babies instead of taking responsibility for them. But J.D. Vance is weird or something.” —Greg Price


“The Left has increasingly become explicitly anti-child and anti-family. They’ve encouraged young families not to have children at all because of concerns over climate change. They’ve suggested that people who do have children are somehow being selfish when I think being a parent is actually the most selfless thing that you can do.” —GOP veep nominee J.D. Vance

Political Futures

“Here’s the game. Every news cycle spent on castigating Vance for his ‘childless cat ladies’ comment is one less news cycle spent on the outrageous radical beliefs of Vice President Kamala Harris. … The goal is simple. Democrat politicians and their media sympathizers do not want you to ask whether you are better off now than three and a half years ago. They do not want you to ask whether Harris’ radical, redistribution-of-income beliefs will make you better off. They want you to ask whether you are a ‘childless cat lady.’” —Larry Elder

For the Record

“The Secret Service has had 48% turnover in a year’s time. Barely 50% of them trust their senior leadership. Look, the Secret Service is negligent, incompetent. And there’s a cultural failure within their organization.” —Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS)

And Last…

“We need a president who kills terrorists, not negotiates with them.” —J.D. Vance