The Patriot Post® · 'The Amazing Kamala Harris!'

By Roger Helle ·

Watching the events since Joe Biden dropped out of the election and Democrats “nominated” Kamala Harris has been bizarre. It reminds me of an episode of Star Trek wherein a species called “shapeshifters” can transform themselves into anyone.

Queen Kamala apparently is a diamond in the rough that is in the process of being remade into the “Crown Jewel” of politics. I can’t believe I didn’t see this before. Somehow, I missed all of her amazing achievements.

First, we just need to overlook her checkered past (wink, wink).

Kamala brags about being a tough prosecutor. Apparently, that’s true. If you were black and smoked pot in California, you were toast. When asked if she ever smoked pot, she just cackles!

Her career really took off when she became a senator of California. An independent rating organization,, said Harris was the most leftist senator in the chamber — to the left of Socialist Bernie Sanders. Way to go, Kamala! But when she campaigned for the presidency in 2020, the political gloves came off.

FYI, don’t try to fact-check this on; it disappeared for some reason.

Harris wants illegal immigration to not be a crime. She wants to eliminate all private health insurance policies and give illegal immigrants healthcare benefits. She compared ICE to the KKK and said defunding the police is a great idea. She’s all in on the Green New Deal as well as banning fracking (which she now claims she won’t do) and offshore drilling. She believes in open borders, Medicare for All, electric cars, and ending fossil fuels.

In 2020 during the summer of “mostly peaceful but fiery” riots, Sister Kamala promoted the Minnesota Freedom Fund and helped raise $42 million dollars to bail out dozens and dozens of “peaceful” protestors. It’s not her fault that dozens of those who were bailed out committed violent crimes, including murder! What’s a sister to do? She just wanted to help keep those dudes out of jail.

Her greatest accomplishment was her success in helping the world’s “tired, poor huddling masses yearning to be free” find a home in America — millions of them. Being a humble person, she denies it, but shoot, we had the videos of the border czar before they got lost … somewhere.

What we’re witnessing is a political miracle. As a presidential candidate, her 2020 campaign crashed and burned, never making it to the first primary or caucus, never even receiving one vote. They say lightning never strikes twice, but here she is! She’s the candidate for president without having to campaign, receive delegates, or defend her record. Suddenly, she’s The One!

But wait. With Kamala’s talents, I do have just a couple of concerns, so forgive me for asking. Kamala has been telling us that Joe is awesome. Behind closed doors, he’s a machine and hard to keep up with. We’re told Joe gets more done in a day than two men, and that’s apparently between the hours of 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM, even while spending 40% of his time on vacation. That’s almost hard to believe (especially if you’re not a Democrat). I hope we’re not being gaslighted by the media. They wouldn’t, would they?

All kidding aside (what, you didn’t suspect sarcasm?), Kamala is a joke. But if we don’t wake up, the joke may be on us.

Something to weep about!
Semper Fidelis