The Patriot Post® · Monday: Below the Fold

By Douglas Andrews, Thomas Gallatin, & Jordan Candler ·

Government & Politics

  • Harris undemocratically secures delegates: On Friday, Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison announced that Kamala Harris had secured enough delegate votes to become the party’s presidential nominee. Harris responded by stating that she was “deeply grateful” and “honored to be the presumptive Democratic nominee for the President of the United States.” She further added, “I will officially accept your nomination next week, once the virtual voting period is closed. But already I’m happy to know that we have enough delegates to secure the nomination.” And it all happened without Harris earning a single primary vote. Now the coronated Harris will have to go and win actual votes from the American public while at the same time ridiculously warning the public of Donald Trump’s supposed “threat to democracy.” This despite the fact that he won the Republican nomination through people actually voting for him.

  • Harris declines Fox debate with Trump, wants ABC News debate instead (Townhall) | Trump says he will either debate Harris on Fox News or “won’t see her at all” (NY Post)

  • The Harris veepstakes lean toward Shapiro: Speculation about which straight white male will appear on the bottom of the Kamala Harris ticket is reaching a fever pitch, and all signs are pointing toward Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. As Politico reports, the announcement will likely be made at a Tuesday campaign event in Pennsylvania. That state’s governor, Josh Shapiro, is believed to be the favorite, but a 30-year-old quote of his might well hurt him with the Democrats’ Jew-hating base. In a collegiate op-ed he wrote at age 20, he said that the Palestinians “do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the U.S. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own.” In any case, it looks like Shapiro’s strength as a crucial swing-state governor offers the Harris campaign an enticing balance to her own hard leftism.

  • Humor: Drunken Kamala mistakenly picks wrong Shapiro for VP (Babylon Bee)

  • Stephanopoulos loses it when Rep. Donalds refuses to back off on Kamala’s “blackness” (RedState)

  • ActBlue money laundering? Democrat super PAC ActBlue, which raked in over $4 billion in donations during the 2020 election cycle, is being accused of election fraud by Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares. According to Miyares, his “office has become aware of multiple serious allegations that ActBlue (and its affiliates) have engaged in fraudulent, deceptive, and/or otherwise illegal activities in the Commonwealth of Virginia and/or have aided and abetted others in doing so.” These illegal actions include hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from individual donors “in volumes that are facially implausible.” Many of these donations are attributed to senior citizens who have self-identified as retired or unemployed and are connected to “suspicious” addresses. “Taken together, these circumstances appear to indicate that contributions via ActBlue are being made from fictional donors or dummy accounts, or that information reported by or through ActBlue may be fraudulent," Miyares explained. Virginia isn’t the only state suspicious of ActBlue, as both Missouri and Wyoming have recently launched their own investigations.

  • Ninth Circus Circuit reverses its Arizona voting-integrity decision: Last week, we reported on a big win for voting integrity in the swing state of Arizona, as the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state’s residents must provide proof of citizenship before they can register to vote. This week, we follow up with some inexplicably bad news. As RedState reports, "In a stunning reversal from its ruling on July 18 … the court now says that the documentation is not necessary.” Apparently, the two election-interferers, Judges Kim McLane Wardlaw and Ronald Gould, “misunderstood the extent of confusion and chaos that would be engendered by a late-stage alteration to the status quo of Arizona’s election rules.” Republican Senate President Warren Petersen has vowed to seek an emergency stay from the U.S. Supreme Court “to make sure only American citizens are voting in our elections.”

  • Justice Gorsuch responds to Biden’s targeting of SCOTUS: In an interview with Fox News, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch was asked to weigh in on Biden’s Court-changing agenda that includes term limits on justices and an enforceable ethics code. Gorsuch wisely responded by avoiding addressing what he observed is a “political issue during a presidential election.” However, he did offer a word of caution: “What does [an independent judiciary] mean to you as an American? It means that when you are unpopular, you can get a fair hearing under the law and under the Constitution. If you are in the majority, you don’t need judges and juries to hear you and protect your rights. You are popular! It’s there for the moments when the spotlight is on you, when the government’s coming after you. And don’t you want a ferociously independent judge and a jury of your peers to make those decisions? Isn’t that your right as an American?” Gorsuch then said, “And so I just say, be careful.”


  • Major Biden-Harris mistake gave Taliban $239 million in U.S. aid (Townhall)

  • Israel braces for imminent attack from Iran: “Israel went into a new workweek in a state of deep uncertainty on Sunday, with the potential for attacks by Iran and the militant groups it supports already causing disruptions for many.” So reports The New York Times as the Jewish state braces for a potential multifront attack from Iran and its terrorist proxies. As the Times continues, “A number of international airlines have suspended flights to and from Israel pending expected retaliation against the country by Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah. That has left tens of thousands of Israelis unable to come home.” All this is the result of increased tensions from a recent soccer field massacre of children by a Hezbollah rocket, which was followed by targeted assassinations by Israel. As the BBC adds, “Several countries have urged their nationals to leave Lebanon, as fears grow of a wider conflict in the Middle East.” Never fear, though: As Fox News reports, Joe Biden “will meet with his national security team in the Situation Room today.” His toothless message to Iran will likely be, “Don’t.”

  • U.S. to send jets and warships as Iran threatens Israel (BBC)

  • Students gearing up for Round 2 of pro-Palestinian protests (The Hill)

  • Migrant airline entries paused: The Biden administration’s program that has flown in upwards of 30,000 migrants a month from four countries was put on pause last month over whistleblower allegations of fraud. According to the Department of Homeland Security, “Out of an abundance of caution, DHS has temporarily paused the issuance of advanced travel authorizations for new beneficiaries while it undertakes a review of supporter applications. DHS will restart application processing as quickly as possible, with appropriate safeguards.” The program, which was begun in 2022, initially allowed individuals from Venezuela to be flown directly into the U.S. if they met certain conditions. It has since been expanded to include individuals from Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua. The alleged fraud is not from applicants but from migrant sponsorship groups. As Fox News reports, “The internal report found that forms from those applying for the program included social security numbers, addresses and phone numbers being used hundreds of times in some cases.” In several instances, numbers belonging to a dead person were repeatedly used, as well as the same physical address, and the same phone number of a sponsor was used on over 2,000 forms, while other forms contained nonexistent sponsor zip codes.

  • Illegal alien accused of sexually assaulting 14-year-old Texas girl (Breitbart)


  • British swimming great slams “cheating Chinese” at Olympics: There have been plenty of thrilling moments at the 2024 Paris Olympics, and more than one infuriating one. Among the latter is the cloud of suspicion hanging over some of the athletes from the genocidal regime of Communist China — specifically, a bunch of cheating Chinese swimmers. Why is this important? Because, as CNN reports, “China’s internet exploded with joy and pride Monday after the country’s swimmers ended the United States’ decades-long reign in the men’s 4x100 meters medley at the Olympics.” But two of the four men on the Chinese relay, Qin Haiyang and Sun Jiajun, were among 11 swimmers who were allowed to swim despite testing positive for a banned substance. Why were they given this free pass? Because the China Anti-Doping Agency said the positive tests were due to food contamination. Uh-huh. Said British breaststroke gold medalist Adam Peaty, whose team finished fourth in the 4x100 relay and thereby without a medal, “We’ve got to have faith in the system, but we don’t. It’s just got to be stricter. What I’ve said from the start is that it is fraud. If you’re cheating, it is fraud.” It is cheating, and it is fraud, but it isn’t at all surprising when we consider the source.


  • Oil giant Chevron says adios to California after 145 years; TX Gov. Abbott invites them to “drill baby drill” (RedState)

  • Kamala Harris’s husband admits to impregnating babysitter while cheating on first wife (Daily Wire)

  • Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good loses contested reelection bid by 370 votes, recount confirms (The Federalist)

  • Pelosi says U.S. should add Biden to Mount Rushmore — despite rumors she angled for his ouster (NY Post)

  • Hunter Biden sentencing scheduled for week after election (Daily Caller)

  • Ukraine receives first F-16 fighter jets (BBC)

  • USAID, National Science Foundation end EcoHealth Alliance funding (National Review)

  • U.S. sues TikTok over privacy of children under 13 years old (Roll Call)

  • A growing number of young adults say they are unlikely to have children, “just don’t want” them (Fox News)

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